11. Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

11. Describe a daily routine that you enjoy

You should say:

What is it?

When and where do you do it?

Who do you do it with?

And explain why you enjoy it?

Model Answer 1:

Well, being a student, I have to perform a lot of tasks on a daily basis, especially study and some household tasks.


What it is:

But, despite performing many tasks, I only enjoy one routine, which is going to the temple every day.


When and where you do it:

I started to visit the temple every morning with my mom during my childhood, and till now I have followed this routine.


Who do you do it with and explain why you enjoy it:

There are many ways in which I enjoy this routine.

First of all, visiting the temple every morning helps keep me fit. I go there for walking, and it's located just 1 km away from my residence.

Secondly, On my way to the temple, I explore the natural beauty of the morning environment, which is full of peace and the greenery of nearby fields.

After reaching the temple first, I prefer to worship God Shiva and spend some time in the temple, which I really like to do.

Even listening to prayers sung by priests helps me get mental relaxation, which gives me positive energy for the rest of the day.

On a daily basis, I meet a lot of people and enjoy talking with them, and I have also made a lot of new friends who visit there regularly.

On some special occasions like Diwali and Shivaratri, I work as a volunteer there and help in the cleaning and decoration of the temple, as well as distributing meals to people during the feast.

All these activities, which I perform at the temple, give me a lot of blessings from God. I feel so happy and enjoy following this daily routine.

So, all in all, that is a daily routine activity that I really enjoy.

Model Answer 2:

A daily schedule can keep us organized, active, and motivated all day. My daily schedule includes things I want to do, which makes me feel fulfilled and satisfied.

What it is:

Here, I'll discuss an everyday habit that I never fail to keep up: taking my morning walk, going to the gym, and meeting up with friends. I never skip these three activities because they help me stay mentally and physically active. Unless I'm feeling sick, till then. 

When and where you do it:

In my town, there is a major park where everyone gathers to engage in outdoor activities. Given that it is heavily forested, I feel as though I am in the middle of nature there. Older people come here to practise yoga and go for walks. Because walking is so comfortable here, a new walking path was built. 

Who do you do it with:

Though I work alone on all of these things, the park's numerous early-morning walkers keep me company. On the weekends, my buddies and I play games here. In the gym, I often work out alone. I occasionally have a brief discussion about health with my trainer.


Explain why you enjoy it:

Since I place a high value on keeping a perfect balance between physical and mental health, I exercise often and eat a balanced diet. I also spend time with friends and engage in other activities that are beneficial to my health.

So, all in all, that is a daily routine activity that I really enjoy.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some samples of other questions the examiner could make regarding the cue card during your third speaking section: "Describe a daily routine that you enjoy."


1. Should children have learning routines?

They should have learning routines, of course. These improve life discipline. Children who follow routines learn how to manage their time. Routines may be a learning experience since, in my opinion, they all teach us something. For instance, when kids discuss their day's events with their parents over a simple family dinner, they may learn a lot. They get closer to their family and pick up a lot of social skills. Children's mental health can grow with a regular bedtime routine.



2. What are the advantages of children having a routine at school?

The benefits of creating routines at school are numerous. It provides children with a routine school day. They thus feel more certain and safe. Time is also saved. They are not required to ask questions as to what they should do next. Things have already been simplified for them by their teachers. Students find it simpler to pay attention and focus.



3. Does having a routine make kids feel more secure at school?

Most definitely. A routine encourages learning in younger children and makes them feel secure in their surroundings, while it gives older children a sense of peace of mind. Routines in the classroom are crucial for this reason.

Routines in the classroom increase student engagement and boost learning. They provide pupils with a feeling of security. Students will understand the expectations of their teachers if there are established rules and procedures in the classroom.


4. How do people's routines differ on weekdays and weekends?

Weekends and weekdays have completely different patterns because of this. Routines throughout the week are beneficial, but individuals can afford some flexibility on the weekends. Of course, weekends should also be planned; otherwise, they will pass you by without giving you a chance to relax and have fun. A person ought to relax during the weekend after a hectic week in order to prepare for a productive week ahead. Family time, movie time, trip time, socializing time, and other activities that cannot be done during the workweek should all be included in the weekend schedule.


5. What daily routines do people have at home?

People follow routines every day, including family meals, morning prayers, completing duties around the house, and so on. Every family has established habits that make life simpler for all of the people in it. For instance, in my household, my mother handles the cooking and laundry while my father buys groceries, produce, and other items. Before retiring to bed, my father makes sure that all of the doors, windows, and the main gate are locked. Twice a day, I take my dogs for walks. These procedures are almost set in stone.


6. What are the differences in people's daily routines now and 15 years ago? 

The past was a slower, more straightforward time. People have more time to socialize since they spend less time on social networking sites than in the past. Routines included socializing with others. Routines today emphasize time spent alone and with technology.


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