12. Talk about a river or lake which is important for your country

12. Talk about a river or lake that is important for your country

You should say:

What water body is that?

How did you come to know about this river?

How has it changed people's lives?

why it impresses you so much?

And explain if it is more important for older or younger people.


Model Answer 1:

Rivers are very important for the country as they provide water for different purposes such as irrigation, factories, and drinking, provide job opportunities to the local people, and provide a habitat for aquatic species.

Also, in my country, India, more than 50 rivers are flowing, such as the Ganga, Yamuna, Satluj, and so on.

But the river about which I am going to talk is the Brahmaputra River.


What water body is that:

But the river about which I am going to talk is the Brahmaputra.

Although this river covers three nations: India, China, and Bangladesh, around 98% of its length, which is 916 km, comes under the Indian Government.

This river originates in Tibet, which is located near the India-China border, and goes all the way to eastern Bangladesh, covering some major Indian states.


How did you come to know about this river:

I came to know about this river through a TV programme that I watched on the National Geographic Channel two years ago.

In that episode, they mention some important facts and the use of this river.


Why does it impress you so much:

It really impresses me a lot because

First of all, this river makes a major contribution to the agriculture sector by providing water for irrigation purposes.

Secondly, the major use of this waterbody is for the transportation of goods to major cities from other states or countries.

Last but not least, it provides habitat to a lot of aquatic species of animals, including rare species like freshwater dolphins.

Knowing about the importance of this river for my country I was so impressed.


Model Answer 2:

Water is used for a variety of reasons throughout industries, including irrigation, manufacturing, and drinking. Without water, we can’t imagine our lives.

Also, in my country, India, more than 50 rivers are flowing, such as the Ganga, Yamuna, Satluj, and so on.

I want to talk about one of Punjab's well-known rivers today.


What is it? and how it has changed people’s lives:

The Sutlej, or Satluj River, is the longest of the five rivers that pass through Punjab in northern India and Pakistan, a historically significant junction. In order to offer irrigation and other services to the states of Punjab, Rajasthan, and Haryana that have transformed the lives of millions of people, the Bhakra Dam was constructed around the river Sutlej.


What benefits did it bring:

It would help Punjab in terms of irrigation for an area of 1.28 lakh ha and in terms of power generation for a total of 50 MW at two powerhouses. It will irrigate an area of 4.46 lakh ha in Haryana. It is the primary source of income for a large number of people. The river is used for fishing, and the farmers use the water for farming.


Explain if it is more important for older or younger people:

Every generation has a fundamental need for food and water. Water usage practises have altered, but they are still crucial for both children and older people.

So, all in all, that is the river that is important for my country.


Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Talk about a river or lake that is important for your country."


1. Why do many people like going to places with water, such as lakes, rivers, or seas?

People enjoy visiting these locations because they can enjoy themselves and engage in a variety of activities. They can swim, boat, raft, surf, snorkel, scuba dive, and do other activities. India also has a large coastline. Such locations are easy to locate, making them popular tourist attractions.


2. What kinds of leisure activities do people like to do in watery places?

They can swim, boat, raft, surf, snorkel, scuba dive, and do other activities.


3. Do children and old people relax in the same way when they go to the beach?

No, as individuals get older, they relax in other ways. The elderly just see their kids and grandkids playing in the surf from a chair. Children play beach volleyball, run around the beach, swim, splash in the ocean, and sweat out their energy while having fun.


4. Why do people like water sports?

Water activities are popular because they are enjoyable, particularly during the long summer months. Such sites are entertaining and thrilling since they represent a change of scenery for folks who don't often live close to coastal areas or other waterways.


5. Do you think the beach or seaside is more suitable for children or old people to spend their leisure time at?

It is, truly. They should stay away from the sea during high tide, though. Beaches with a lot of visitors are often safer than beaches that are uninhabited.


6. Is there much water transportation in your country?

I reside in northern India. Although there is a long coastline to the south, where water transportation is equally common, there is no water transportation in this area.


7. Do people travel by boat in your country?

Short distances are covered by boats by residents of coastal locations.


8. How important is water in daily life?

Life itself is made entirely of water. Simple: Without water, there is no life. Because of this, the earliest indication of water is what is found during space travel. No life is possible anywhere else.


9. How important are rivers and lakes to the cities where they are located?

Water features are crucial. They provide fishermen with a means of livelihood. Tourists are drawn to these aquatic features, which helps the local economy.


10. Do the rivers in your country suffer from serious pollution?

Yes, pollution of these aquatic bodies is a serious problem. For this reason, the Indian government has started a huge push to conserve the Ganges.


11. Do you think human activity is posing a threat to oceans globally?

Definitely, yes. Waste is being dumped into these waters by people. Untreated industrial effluents are being dumped into the sea. Then there are the occasional oil leaks.

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