13. Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion

13. Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion

You should say:

Who asked for your opinion?

Why he/she wanted to know your opinion?

What opinion did you give?

And explain how you felt about it?

Model Answer 1:

In my country, people keep asking for each other's opinions all the time. Sometimes people like to give their opinion on matters that do not even relate to them. To show concern and assist others, they do it.


Who asked for your opinion:

Today, I would like to talk about a time when one of my friends, whose name is Raman, asked me about my opinion on buying a new mobile phone.

Why he/she wanted to know your opinion:

About a couple of months ago, the old phone of my friend broke, so he wanted to buy a new one, which was newly launched in the market at the time. The mobile Note 10 Pro from Xiaomi So he reached out to me to know more about it, like its features, and to see its look because I also bought that one at that time.


What opinion did you give:

I told him he truly didn't buy it.

As it has a lot of problems that I faced, such as the main problem of battery backup, as it runs only for 4-5 hours.

Secondly, it hangs a lot while using it.

Also, it has poor camera quality. Even so, it has no feature for hiding apps or RAM extensions.

After knowing my true opinion, he was really impressed and thought to change his decision and buy another mobile phone.


How you felt about it:

Honestly speaking, I felt very happy when he came to know my opinion because I like to engage in such types of discussions.

Apart from that, it really helps us strengthen our bond, as he respects my opinion.

So, all in all, that was a time when someone asked my opinion.  

Model Answer 2:

There is no ignoring the fact that everyone enjoys expressing their thoughts on numerous subjects, whether the matter relates to them or not.

As a person, I never express my thoughts to other people, but if someone asks, I'm not afraid to share my judgement on many subjects.

Who asked for your opinion:

Today, I'd like to share a story about a time when one of my friends, Varun, asked about my thoughts on an issue he was dealing with.

Why he wanted to know your opinion:

Varun requested my advice on losing weight after becoming fat as a result of his sedentary lifestyle.

He was interested in my viewpoint. I put on weight in 2020 as well after spending six months at home. My homestay took place when the Corona pandemic-induced lockdown was in effect.

I put on weight during that period and began to appear fat, but with determination, dedication, and discipline, I lost the weight and transformed myself into a fit person in just three months.

Varun approached me for advice on how to get healthy because he thought that my experience with weight reduction would serve as an example for his buddies.


What opinion did you give:

I advised him to prioritise food over exercise. Just 25 percent of weight reduction results from exercise, and we may maintain our fitness by paying attention to what we eat.

Varun took my instructions and had each meal between the hours of 9 a.m. and 6 p.m. It assisted in his physical fitness.


How you felt about it:

Honestly speaking, I felt very happy when he came to know my opinion as I appreciated him asking for advice since I believe it is my responsibility to encourage people without reservation.

Apart from that, it really helps us strengthen our bond, as he respects my opinion.

So, all in all, that was a time when someone asked my opinion.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some samples of other questions the examiner could make regarding the cue card during your third speaking section: "Describe a time when someone asked for your opinion."


1. Why do some people dislike giving their opinions?

There are several reasons why some people choose not to express their opinions or beliefs. They may lack the courage or skills necessary to fully express their opinions. They believe that if someone disagrees with them, they will be ashamed and may not be able to defend their point of view. Another explanation could be that some people are naturally reserved and prefer to keep things to themselves.


2. Are there any apps designed for collective opinions about products or services?

Although practically all shopping apps provide users the chance to comment on the things they have purchased from their website, I am not aware of any app that focuses only on gathering thoughts about products. For instance, a lot of people rate and post reviews for the things accessible on the Amazon shopping app.



Nowadays, you can find reviews of almost any item or service on a variety of applications. A good illustration of this is mouthshut.com. In addition, major corporations like Amazon and Flipkart have a built-in review option in their applications that allows users to share their experiences with a product or service.


3. Why do people like to express their opinions on the Internet nowadays?

The primary reason for this is that individuals use the internet as a place to communicate their opinions about anything and everything while remaining anonymous. Additionally, the internet gives individuals the opportunity to express themselves without worrying about what other people may think. Additionally, one can decide to participate or not in a conversation as it suits them.


4. What are the disadvantages of sharing opinions on the internet?

I believe this trend has a lot of drawbacks. First off, by posting unpleasant things online, people frequently harm each other's feelings. People are frequently observed calling each other names in chat rooms over very insignificant issues. Second, I believe that most internet debates are ineffective and waste people's time.

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