15. Describe a historical period you would like to know more about

15. Describe a historical period you would like to know more about

You should say:

What period do you want to know about?

Why do you want to know about it?

And Explain how you think you can know about it.

History plays a very significant role in our lives, and it gives us a chance to make things better in the future or not make mistakes in the future that we did in the past.

During my schooling, I studied a lot of historical events, and one of them was Ancient Egypt.


What period do you want to know about:

It began around 300 B.C. and lasted for the next two centuries.

The beginning of this historical period played a significant role in many developments for the Egyptian people and the whole world.

It is believed that Egyptians were the first to wear makeup for the protection of their skin from the heat of the Egyptian deserts.

Then, cosmetic products began to flourish in Asia and other continents.

Despite studying lots of these facts about Ancient Egypt, I am fascinated to know more about the development of massive pyramids that took place at that time.


Why do you want to know about it:

I want to know how they built these pyramids. As per my history book, the weight of the block of stone is in tonnes. So I always wondered how people carried these heavy stones onto the top of pyramids and what techniques and methods they used for the construction of these pyramids. Even in this modern era, it is very difficult to build buildings with the help of high-tech machines, and architects face a lot of problems.


How do you think you can learn about it:

I would like to get more information about the construction of pyramids from the internet, which is a massive source of knowledge, and from movies that portray ancient Egypt.

So, all in all, that is a historical period about which I want to know more.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a historical period you would like to know more about."

1.Do you think it is important to know about history? Should everyone learn about history?

Yes, it is crucial to be knowledgeable about history. History teaches us about our history and helps us define who we are. It gives us a sense of belonging to something greater. For instance, without understanding that we were once slaves, we cannot fully appreciate the freedom we have today. History also teaches us to avoid making the same mistakes twice.

2.How can children learn about history?

Children can study history through museums, art galleries, and books authored by renowned historians. Additionally, a lot of websites now provide historical information. In order to learn about the past, kids can watch historical films and documentaries.

3. What is the history from difference between learning about history from books and from videos? 

I believe that historical education might become rather boring due to the amount of factual information found in books, such as names and dates. Additionally, since our visual memory is far more lasting, watching films while learning might improve recall. But because there are so many mistakes in movies, kids who study through videos also encounter a lot of false material.

4.Do you think it is difficult to protect and preserve historic buildings?

In a way, it is really challenging since maintaining old structures is extremely costly. Additionally, because hardly enough people visit these structures, they don't generate enough revenue. Finally, because they lack knowledge, many tourists paint graffiti on historic monuments. This creates new security difficulties.

5. Who should be responsible for protecting historic buildings?

I believe that everyone should take responsibility, including the government, citizens, and visitors. First, in order to provide protection, money is needed, and only the government can manage that. Finally, travelers must take care not to trash or do any kind of damage to the structures. Locals must also notify the authorities of any harmful behavior.

6. Who should pay for the preservation of historical buildings?

In my opinion, it has to be partially sponsored by the government and partially by admission fees collected by tourists. It truly depends on how well-known the old structure is. If it draws well-known tourists, the admission fees could be sufficient to cover maintenance costs. The government must pay a large sum, though, if it's not as well-known.

7. How do you think famous historical figures can serve as models for young people today?

Certainly, famous historical personalities may act as role models for today's youth. For instance, young people in my nation are inspired to serve their country and feel a sense of patriotism when they read about the sacrifices made by our great martyrs.

8. Do people in your country like to visit museums?

Yes, people in my country enjoy going to museums. They teach kids a lot of things. Children and teenagers find modern interactive museums more interesting. For instance, residents in my state

Because there is so much to do and see at the Pushpa Gujral Science City Museum, I prefer visiting it over the other museums.

9. Who do you think likes to go to museums more—children or adults?

Both kids and adults like visiting museums, but the interactive ones are especially popular with kids.

10. Do you think museums should be free to enter?

No, I do not believe that museums ought to be free. There is a lot of maintenance needed for these institutions. So there needs to be a minimum charge. In addition, individuals don't value things that are offered to them for free.

11. Do you think local people and tourists should pay the same amount to enter a museum?

Yes, entry to museums should be charged equally to residents and visitors. It would be unfair to charge more for visitors. Some individuals believe it would be OK if tourists were paid extra because the local population already contributes to the maintenance of the museums through taxes. However, I believe that visitors contribute to the economy in a variety of different ways; therefore, I don't think it makes sense to charge them extra to visit museums or other historical places.

12. How do you think the museums of the future might be different from the museums of today?

There is no way to predict what the future is going to bring, but from what I can see, there will be more museums in the future. Periodically, new objects would be added to them. There would be entertainment for both the kids and others. The use of audiovisual aids would increase.

13. How do you think the museums of the future might portray the 21st century?

The 21st Century may be shown in museums of the future as a time of fast advancement in technology, transportation, education, and health.


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