2. Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully

2. Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully

You should say:

What was the event?

How do you prepare it?

Who helped you organize it?

And explain why you think it was a successful event.

Model Answer 1:

Celebrating events provides us with a great opportunity to spend some quality time with our loved ones in a busy world. I had attended so many events in my life.

But here I would like to talk about a time when I organized an event successfully.


What was the event:

The event of my cousin's first birthday Since it was the first birthday of my cousin. So all of the family members decided to celebrate it at the restaurant. Therefore, they gave me the opportunity to host the event.


How you prepared it:

Firstly, I searched many hotels or restaurants but didn't find the best one, but at last, I found the best restaurant, which was owned by my senior friend.

After that, I started planning the event and its timing. Then, I made a list of all the guests with the help of my family members who were to be invited.

Also, I make a list of all the activities that were included, such as the cake-cutting ceremony, dance performance, games, etc.


Who helped you organize it:

Furthermore, one of my best friends is a freelancer and usually takes charge of wedding planning and organizing kitties parties, so he assisted me in planning and organizing everything.


Why do you think it was successful:

The event was organized successfully because everything met expectations. Also, everyone who we invited arrived on time. The decoration was top-notch. Apart from that, the children of my family gave solo performances and entertained everyone.

At the end of the party, everyone wanted to know about the host of the party, so all of my family members presented themselves to me in front of everyone, and I really got a lot of appreciation at that time.

So, all in all, that was the event that I organized successfully.

Model Answer 2:

In reality, moments of celebration allow us to express our joy with those who are dearest to us and celebrate something unique in our lives.


What was the event:

Here I would like to share an occasion when I was too engaged in planning for a special day and successfully managed it.

Actually, a few months ago, on his birthday, I was planning on giving my father a surprise party. He departed around nine in the morning, leaving me with approximately six to seven hours to do all the preparations.


Who helped you organize it:

I started by inviting all of his friends and close family members, and then I went to the store to buy the items I needed to decorate the house.

How you prepared it:

I spent close to two to three hours cleaning and preparing the house for the party, and then I had to make a cake for my father. Since my father loves the cakes I make, I decided to give him one for his birthday. However, by the time I finished baking the cake, it was almost 3 o'clock, and I had to arrange food and beverages for the visitors.


Why do you think it was a successful event:

So I immediately gave the orders and changed into my clothes. Around 4 o'clock, the guests began to arrive, and at precisely 5 o'clock, as my father knocked on the door, everyone greeted him by singing the birthday song aloud. The plans I made and this surprise celebration left my father speechless.

So, all in all, that was the event that I organized successfully.

Model Answer 3:

It takes a lot of labor and effort to organize an event, and management is not a simple process.


What was the event:

Here I would like to share an occasion when I organized a successful party for my friend's 25th birthday.


Who helped you organize it:

I asked our common friends to assist me in setting up the decorations and setting up the venue on the day of the celebration. With the help of balloons, streamers, and a photo booth where guests could snap photographs, we collaborated to create a joyful mood. We made sure to have a birthday cake with candles for my buddy to blow out, and the catering service arrived on schedule and set up the food and beverages.


How you prepared it:

I initially produced a list of everything I would need for the party, including the décor, food, beverages, and favours. After that, I established a budget and allotted money for each item on the list. Then, in order to keep the celebration a surprise, I sent invites to her close friends and relatives. I also secured a location and engaged a catering company to offer food and beverages.


Why do you think it was a successful event:

When my friend arrived, she was completely shocked and happy to find all of her family and friends present to celebrate her wonderful day. The celebration had music, games, and lots of laughter, and everyone had a wonderful time.

The event, in my opinion, was successful for a number of reasons. First of all, our attempt to make my friend's birthday special made her pleased and touched. Second, the party was a success, and the attendees had a great time. Last but not least, everything went off without any problems, including the food service and the décor.

In conclusion, planning my closest friend's surprise birthday party was a joyous and special event. To see the excitement and happiness on my friend's face, it was all worth it. It needed careful preparation, collaboration, and attention to detail. It was a wonderful event since it fulfilled its goals of honouring my friend's special day and gathering those who care about her.

Follow-up Questions 

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a time when you organized a happy event successfully".


1. How can parents help children be organized?

I believe that parents ought to provide their kids with a regular schedule. Additionally, they ought to assign each task a certain amount of time. For instance, they may instruct students to list each job on the calendar along with the amount of time they anticipate devoting to it. Following that, there should be rewards as well as penalties for completing or failing to complete the duties.


2. On what occasions do people need to be organized?

People may be arranged without a reason, in my opinion. Always attempting to be organized should be our goal. We often do tasks more quickly and efficiently when we are organized. Additionally, being organized makes a good first impression.


3. Does everything need to be well prepared?

In my opinion, the major considerations should all be carefully thought out, but the little aspects can be overlooked. Similar to a speech, we prepare the key points but give ourselves a chance to adjust the little things. Everything in advance would be extremely difficult, if not impossible.


4. Do people need others help when organizing things?

Well, that depends on the project. We will undoubtedly require assistance if we are planning a large event. For instance, a single individual cannot handle everything; hence, wedding planners have a large staff of 10–15 people. However, I believe a person may arrange a modest event, like a family gathering, on their own.

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