4. Describe a website which helped you to do something

4. Describe a website that helped you do something

You should say:

Which site is it?

How did you know about it?

How did it help?

Why do you visit it often?


Model Answer 1:

Although I have visited so many websites in my life, such as Instagram.com, YouTube.com, and Wikipedia.com, for different purposes,

But, for learning purposes, I use websites like ieltsmaterial.com, jeetarget.com, and so on, and here I would like to talk about one of those websites.


Which website is this:

The website is dailygrammar.com, which is related to English grammar.


How did you know about it:

About 3 months ago, I joined the English communication centre to improve my English communication skills, and there, one of my teachers recommended that I use this website as I was not so fluent in English and the basics of grammar were not clear to me.

After being advised by my tutor, I began to use this site, and I found that it was very easy to use and that the user interface was so simple.


How it helped:

This site helped me a lot, as it includes a variety of study materials.

First of all, it has so many grammar topics, from basic to advanced, such as tense, voice, modals, prepositions, and so on.

Secondly, it has so many online exercises for the practise of each topic specifically.

Apart from that, there is also the availability of face-to-face interaction with English experts around the world.

Most interestingly, the material is present in both Hindi and English, which made it easy and helped me a lot.


Why do you visit it often:

In the beginning, I started to learn from the uses of helping verbs, and within 15–20 days, I gained immense knowledge of sentence structure. I also learned a lot of lexical resources as well as words that are related to my daily routine.

Interestingly, I use this website because of the updates in its material and to learn some new words daily.

This website helped me a lot, as it not only clarified the basics of grammar but also proved cost-effective for me.

I even recommended this website to all of my friends.

So, all in all, this is the website that helped me a lot to learn English grammar.

Model Answer 2:

As technology has developed, an increasing number of websites have been developed to assist individuals with daily tasks. I found and have been using YouTube, one of these websites, for a while now. It has become a priceless resource, and I go there almost every day.


Which website is this:

Here, I'd like to discuss how I first discovered YouTube, how it has benefited me, and why I still go there frequently. 


How did you know about it:

A decade ago, when my friends were discussing it in class, I first learned about YouTube. They praised the website for having a huge variety of films and music. They said that you could view anything you wanted and that it was simple to use. After hearing all of this, I made the decision to look it up and learn more. I decided to create an account and use it more frequently after being surprised by what I saw.


How it helped:

Since then, YouTube has helped me a lot. I've viewed films about a wide range of subjects, including music, movies, food, and much more. I can contribute my own movies in addition to watching others', which has been an excellent way for me to share my work with friends and family. In addition, I may interact with others who share my interests by joining different groups. This has been fantastic for networking and educating me on various activities or events in my neighbourhood. 


Why do you visit it often:

Because it is such a simple and useful method to view anything I want, whenever I want, I use YouTube. The website is continually being updated with fresh movies and material, so there is always something new to view. I may also quickly establish connections with those who share my interests. This enables me to keep informed about current events and maintain contact with friends and family. 

YouTube is a wonderful website that has benefited me greatly. It is simple to use, and there is always new content available. I have the ability to interact with individuals who share my interests and watch anything I want, whenever I want. It has become a priceless resource, and I go there almost every day.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a website that helped you do something."


1. Who uses the website in your family?

All of my family members, including me, my mother, and my sister, use the different sites for their own purposes.



2. Can the internet help kids with their academics?

Definitely, yes. The knowledge on the Internet is vast. Children can use a variety of educational websites on the internet.



3. Will the educator be replaced by the internet?

In my opinion, no. There will always be a teacher. The tutor can help the student stay on task while studying. The Internet can't do this.



4. Will downloading music or movies for free cause a problem?

Yes, it can lead to issues. It may also have an impact on the sales of these films and songs. But there is no stopping it. People will always figure out a way to do it. Additionally, this has overnighted the fame of several amateur actors and singers.



5. What are the reasons why people use the internet?

People use the internet for a variety of things, including entertainment, informational purposes, online shopping, banking, and other services.



6. Some people say that different age groups have different tastes in internet content. What do you think?

Yes, as people mature, their interests change. The younger generation uses the internet mostly for social networking and shopping, while children like watching cartoons online. It is being used by the elderly to share and find information.



7. What influences can (or does) the internet have on children?

Children might experience both positive and harmful effects from the Internet. Children may access prohibited websites that may have a harmful impact on them if internet use is not monitored and proper parental controls are not put in place.



8. What kind of people don't use the internet, and what are the disadvantages that those people suffer because they don't use the internet?

Some people who reject technology and stick to traditional thinking avoid using the internet. However, the majority of those in poverty do not have access to the web. These folks are unaware of what is going on around them or how technology has made life more convenient. As a result, they constantly rely on others for knowledge.

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