5. Describe an advertisement you don't like

5. Describe an advertisement you don't like

You should say:

When did you see it?

Where did you see it?

What is it about?

How did you come to know?

And Explain why you don't like it.

Model Answer 1:


Increasing competition in today's world is one of the major reasons for companies to use advertising so that they can promote their products or services and make them popular.

But the companies show only the benefits of it rather than both the pros and cons of it.

However, here I would like to talk about an advertisement that I don't like.


When did you see it:

About a couple of months ago


Where you saw it:

I was scrolling through my Instagram account and watching some videos on it, and then I saw the advertisement.


What is it about:

The advertisement was promoting a brand-new shampoo product from Dove.

They also promised to make hair shinier and smoother than before. It is also recycled to strengthen and repair damaged hair or to keep dandruff at bay. Additionally, it claimed to be safe for daily use and to be created from natural substances.


How did you come to know:

I purchased the item after seeing that advertisement. I've used the shampoo for over 6 months, but I haven't seen any positive results from it yet.


Why you don't like it:

Because it made false claims about their goods, I didn't like it. Even a few of my neighbours are not pleased with the item.

Overall, this is the advertisement that I don't like.

Model Answer 2:

Advertising is essential for attracting customers and creating a solid foundation for any product. Advertisements help in attracting new customers and educating them about the use and availability of the product. However, a significant problem in this sector is that TV advertisements occasionally lose track of the negative consequences of the goods they are promoting.

However, here I would like to talk about an advertisement that I don't like: Pan Masalas'.


When did you see it:

About a couple of months ago


Where you saw it:

I saw the Pan Masala advertisement while eating dinner and watching television with my family.


What is it about:

Ajay Devgan, a well-known actor, was the face of the advertisement, which showed him liking the goods being sold. Pan Masala has negative health consequences for people, as we are all aware. Despite the fact that these Pan Masalas cause stomach ulcers and oral cancer, these advertising organisations continue to run these kinds of commercials on commercial TV.


How did you come to know:

People of all ages, including children, watch television to learn about products, and they do so through watching.


Why you don't like it:

Furthermore, because the advertisement featured well-known personalities and because many people imitate the behaviours of their favourite movie stars, it has a negative influence on the younger generation.

Overall, this is the advertisement that I don't like.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe an advertisement you don't like."


1. Why do some people hate advertisements?

People dislike ads because they disturb the flow of the programme they are viewing. The majority of the advertisements are quite repetitive and lack any new content, which is another irritating aspect. However, the truth remains that we won't be able to watch any quality programming if there are no advertising companies to fund the shows.


2. Do people usually buy stuff after watching advertisements?

Undoubtedly, a lot of individuals purchase things after watching an advertisement. These days, a lot of advertising is both creative and educational. From young youngsters to older folks, all can be attracted by an advertisement.


3. Is music useful in advertising?

Yes, music gives the advertisement life. Music is useful in advertisements since it can give everything extra meaning. For instance, certain jingles stay in your ears long after the advertisement has ended. Therefore, the ad's goal has been achieved.


4. What are the advantages of TV advertisements? How about internet advertisements?

TV advertisements include both audio and visuals. As a result, these serve as visual reminders of the items, which helps to sell them. Internet advertisements are optional and may be skipped, so it's up to the user to decide whether to see them or not.


5. Where usually do we see adverts?

We see advertisements all the time: on TV, radio, in newspapers and magazines, on the internet, on phones, and on posters and roadside signs.


6. Are there any advertisements at school?

Supermarkets and fast-food restaurants occasionally donate money to schools and set up shop there. This is a method of promoting their goods.


7. Are there some inappropriate adverts, like that of a condom?

There are certain unsuitable advertisements, such as those for some smells that suggest girls are gathered around a boy who wears them and those for various drinks like Coke and Pepsi. I don't believe the condom advertisement is improper. This is an important phase in sex education.


8. Why does the government allow such advertisements?

Such advertisements are permitted by the government since they increase spending and thereby the economy. The employees who work on these advertisements make a lot of money as well, in addition to the government.


9. Do you believe it is bad for children?

Yes, there are occasions when young people convince themselves to buy such items, but I believe that parents can have a very beneficial influence by watching over their kids and teaching them the difference between right and wrong.


10. Do parents complain about it?

Parents do occasionally complain about it, but the benefits these advertisements are providing for the nation far outweigh any drawbacks.


11. What are the most advertised products in your country?

In my nation, food items including carbonated beverages, chocolates, flour, and rice are among the most heavily marketed goods, along with cosmetics, makeup, and hair care products. I also notice a lot of advertisements for automobiles and cell phones.


12. Which one is often more effective, newspaper advertising or online advertising?

Online marketing is more successful because it enables companies to identify and connect with consumers who are interested in their products. You won't know who has seen your newspaper advertisements, but internet ads can be tracked, allowing businesses to concentrate on the people who have clicked on their ads. Additionally, newspaper readership has decreased as more people consume news online in this digital age than in print. As a result, not many people even read newspaper advertising.


13. What are the benefits of Advertisements?

Information on new items is provided via advertisements. They contribute to employment creation by raising the demand for goods and services. A few food advertisements encourage people to eat well and lead healthier lives. Ads contribute to a number of beneficial societal improvements, such as the reduction of child labour, female feticide restrictions, and equal rights for women.


14. What do you think of celebrity endorsements in advertising ?

I don't believe it's good that so many celebrities promote the newest trends and products while ignoring the general public's interest. For instance, despite not eating fast food or drinking sugary beverages, many celebrities support them.

Additionally, celebrities are frequently seen smoking or drinking in commercials, TV shows, and films. Young people come to believe that it is acceptable to engage in behaviours like smoking, binge drinking, and using illegal drugs as a result of this normalisation and celebration.


15. Does advertising encourage us to buy things we don’t need?

Yes, advertising influences consumers to make unnecessary purchases. They begin to think that a product is superior to something they currently own or another product as a result of the repetitive advertisements. Customers purchase these attractive goods without considering what they actually need or can even afford. After seeing an Instagram ad for it, I got a coffee expresso maker, and I've already used it twice this month.


16. Which role does social media play in advertising?

Social media advertising is particularly effective because it allows businesses to quickly contact a large number of individuals across the globe. They can interact with clients in real time, collect their opinions, and foster loyalty thanks to this. Businesses also use social media influencers to broaden their social media audience.

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