6. Describe a place where there was a lot of noise

6. Describe a place where there is a lot of noise

You should say:

When did you go there?

Why went there?

Why was it noisy?

And Explain what you did to avoid it.


Model Answer 1:

There is hardly any place in my country, India, where the level of noise is negligible.

Although I have visited so many places where the level of noise is so high, here I would like to talk about a place where I found so much noise.


When you went there:

About a couple of months ago


Why you went there:

My great-uncle invited all of my family members to celebrate his son's 5th birthday in Delhi. So we came there to celebrate my birthday. After celebrating the birthday, the next day my uncle took us to the Sarojini market, which is about 2 km away from his home.


Why it was noisy:

When I visited there, I encountered so much noise, and the level of noise was equal from the entry to the exit of that street. There were two basic reasons why it was so noisy.

First and foremost, it is located on a busy road where there is frequent honking from running vehicles.

And the second one is that retailers in this market advertise their products through their recorded voices on loudspeakers, which makes it hard for visitors to visit that place for a long time.


What did you do to avoid it:

I also faced the same situation, and when I had spent half an hour in that market, I felt a severe headache, due to which I decided to quit shopping for the rest of the products.

At last, I returned to my uncle's place and took a rest of about 2 hours to relax myself.

So, all in all, that was a place where I found a lot of noise.


Model Answer 2:

When I went there with a lot of noise, I will never forget it. It was a singular event that I will always remember. Even though it was terrible and loud, the noise had an appealing quality. I want to discuss that right now.


When you went there:

The 2019 summer was when this amazing event took place. I made the decision to explore the city while on a family holiday in a nearby location. I came upon a spot with a lot of noise as I was exploring.


Why you went there:

This loud location was in a little town close to the city. It was a little town with only a few restaurants and stores. I was curious about the loudness coming from this location because I had never been to this town before.


Why it was noisy:

The town was hosting a small music festival, which is where the noise was coming from. Locals were extremely devoted to the celebration, which honoured the town's history and culture. Everyone sang and danced to the loud, upbeat music.


What did you do to avoid it:

I was fascinated by the loudness when I first heard it. I made the decision to attend and investigate the festival. I was taken aback by the festival's attendance numbers; the enthusiasm was visible.

It was a genuinely wonderful event, and I learned more about the town's history and culture.

So, all in all, that was a place where I found a lot of noise.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a place where there was a lot of noise."

1. Is noise pollution serious in India?

It definitely is. The majority of the noise that surrounds us may be ignored. Unnecessary pressure horn playing is heard from passing automobiles. Businesses are generating noise. Loudspeakers are used for personal purposes, and neighbors must put up with the noise.



2. Do you like to live in a noisy place?

Definitely not, no. Unfortunately, it might be challenging to locate quiet areas in urban areas.



3. Do you like to go to noisy places?

I occasionally love going to events and parties where the DJ is playing loud music so I can dance and have fun with my friends and family.



4. Where can you hear a loud noise?

All around us, there is a lot of loud noise. Unnecessary pressure horn playing is heard from passing automobiles. Businesses are generating noise. Loudspeakers are used for personal purposes, and neighbors must put up with the noise.



5. Do you think that there is more noise in people’s lives today than in the past?

Yes, in my opinion. Each day, there are more and more automobiles on the road. These are all creating noise. The number of industries is increasing as well. Also, the noise they are producing is excessive. We are undoubtedly experiencing an increase in noise these days as a result of these noise-producing factors.



6. Do you think that cities will become noisier in the future?

I suppose so, yes. Whether we like it or not, the number of objects that produce noise is growing, and it is likely that in the future, cities will become louder.



7. What is the noise in life?

Our lives are filled with distractions that prevent us from concentrating on our objectives.

For instance, people today often spend their time reading through meaningless feeds and updates on their mobile phones instead of focusing on their studies or jobs. The massive amounts of data they absorb each day become background noise in their lives.



8. How is the noise level in your city?

In addition to being an industrial city, my city is also located along a national highway. As a result, there is a lot of noise.



9. Who do you know that enjoys noise?

I have a lot of buddies who enjoy loud music. They claim that it absorbs the vehicle's noise from its surroundings.


10. Where does the noise in cities come from?

Loud speakers, factories, and pressure horns on moving cars are the main sources of noise in cities.



11. Do you think it is important to be alone sometimes?

It's crucial to occasionally get some alone time. Everyone occasionally needs to reflect. Everyone needs time for their own work, which is best done alone, and they also need to be aware of their likes and dislikes.



12. What is the importance of belonging to a certain group?

Being a part of a social group is very important. Man cannot live alone for very long since he is a social animal. Sharing one's joys and sorrows with others is necessary. We join social groupings in order to feel a part of them. Social networks serve as a kind of support network. When life gets tough, they support us. Spending a lot of time alone is mentally bad.



13. What are some problems you could have if you go out together in a big group?

There could be several issues in a large group. A large group is tough to manage. Conflicts may result from poor management. It can result in considerable time loss. The adage "two is company, and three is a crowd" is well known.



14. Why do people like going to noisy places, like a restaurant or pub, even though they know these places are noisy?

Some people choose to hang out at such bars or discos because they want to listen to loud music. However, since their goal is to socialize, the noise in these settings does not affect them.



15. Shall we encourage children to make noises?

Children should only be instructed to make noise when they believe themselves to be in a hazardous position. In this manner, they might warn others or avoid a calamity for themselves.



16. Do you think it is good for children to make noise?

No, I don't believe that kids should be allowed to make noise unless they are actually threatened by someone. Unnecessary noise irritates and disturbs everyone in the area.



17. What kind of noises are there in our lives?

In our daily lives, we may encounter a wide variety of noises, including traffic, building construction, and natural sounds (such as birds chirping or the wind blowing), which are examples of environmental noises.

mechanical sounds, including those made by machines, cars, and appliances. noises produced by people, such as laughter, conversation, and music.

biological sounds, including those made by insects, animals, and other living things. Noise from sound systems and other audio sources, such as acoustic noise.



18. Which area is exposed to noise more, the city or the countryside?

Noisy environments are more common in cities than in rural or suburban settings. This is due to the fact that cities tend to have larger densities of people, more traffic on the roads, and more industrial and commercial activities, all of which can produce noise pollution.



19. How would people usually respond to noise in your country?

I believe that different people in India may react to noise differently based on things like age, culture, and socioeconomic level. However, compared to individuals in certain other nations, people in my country may be more used to living with a greater degree of noise pollution. This is due to the fact that noise is a regular occurrence in India's cities, which are frequently congested and active with a lot of traffic and other street activities.



20. How can people consider others feelings when chatting in public?

When conversing in public, I think there are many different ways people may be considerate of others' sentiments. First of all, everyone should talk quietly. They ought to speak in a regular tone and avoid speaking out. This may decrease the likelihood that speech will disturb those around.

Second, individuals need to be conscious of their environment. They need to be aware of their surroundings and anyone else who could be around. It's preferable to keep the voice down, for instance, if they are at a library or other calm setting. Finally, they should be considerate of the conversation's subject and avoid bringing up delicate or conflicting topics that can irritate or offend others.

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