8. Describe something that saves your time

8. Describe something that saves you time

You should say:

What is it?

Why do you do it?

When do you usually do it?

And explain why you think it saves your time.


Model Answer 1:

Well, in this modern era, due to fast-paced life, everyone is constantly battling for time, and different people use various techniques to save their time.

Here, I would like to share one thing that I do to better manage my time.


What it is:

Well, being a shopaholic, I love to constantly wear new outfits, footwear, and accessories.


Why do you do it:

I unfortunately live in a tiny village where there aren't any reliable marketplaces or shops. Because of this, I had to take my family on weekend trips to surrounding towns like Chandigarh and Delhi so that I could carry out the things I wanted to do. And this way, it wastes so much time and makes my shopping uncomfortable and tiring.


When you usually do it:

But a while back, on the advice of a buddy, I started making purchases online. He introduced me to Amazon, a wonderful online store where practically anything can be purchased. Additionally, it offers a big selection at a fair price. In addition, there is the possibility of bargaining because there are many sellers offering the same items at various costs. There, we may purchase both branded and homegrown goods simultaneously.

I no longer need to go to several locations on the weekends to shop. So I always order the stuff when I find a good offer. It offers a tonne of deals even on holidays like Diwali, Raksha Bandhan, and New Year's.


Why do you think it saves your time:

I don't have to travel, and if I don't like the goods or their quality, I can immediately change them, which truly saves me time.

I can now use my weekends in a more productive manner as a consequence.

So, all in all, that was a thing that saved me time.

Model Answer 2:

Time is an important part of our lives. Time helps in the formation of beneficial organizing and structuring habits for our everyday routines. You will be able to spend more time learning new things and improving your talents if you have a better appreciation of the value of time. The most important resource is time, since it cannot be recovered.

Here, I would like to share one thing that I do to better manage my time.


What it is:

Everyone prefers a nice and clean environment because cleanliness makes the area more attractive and healthy. It goes without saying that keeping things clean is crucial, but it takes time. People in today's busy world have long lacked the time to maintain hygiene and are unwell as a result. I enjoy cleanliness.


Why do you do it, and when do you usually do it:

We don't have a lot of spare time because both of my parents work and I am in school. I placed a home vacuum cleaner order a few months ago. It greatly helps us. The entire family was taught how to use it by me. It helps us save a tonne of time.


Why do you think it saves your time:

We mostly use it every evening. The task that before took one to two hours is now finished in less than 30 minutes. So this product actually saves us time.

So, all in all, that was a thing that saved me time.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some samples of other questions the examiner could make regarding the cue card during your third speaking section: "Describe something that saves you time."


1. What can people do to save time?

Many things can be done by people to save time. They can plan ahead, keep a calendar, and take notes on everything. They can also quit wasting time on minor choices like what to wear or eat. The largest thing they can do, in my opinion, is avoid multitasking because, in my opinion, doing more tasks at once causes individuals to waste more time.



2. Does technology help save time? How and why?

No and yes. Technology does help us save time by giving us tools like washing machines, which can complete tasks faster. People can waste time by becoming dependent on their computers and mobile devices.


3. Do you think parents should be responsible for teaching children to save time?

I got my time management skills from my mom. She never sits still out of habit. She works all day long, either knitting, reading, or gardening. Therefore, I believe parents have a significant role in helping kids learn how to manage their time. In addition, I believe that professors should assist students in creating a schedule.


4. Do people who can manage their time well become successful more easily?

I'm not certain that this is accurate. Each of us has 24 hours in a day. How we use these twenty-four hours is all that matters. Success comes to those who do things better since they are able to do more.


5. Do you think time management is important?

Yes, time management is crucial for success in life. In fact, if someone wants to realize their dreams, they must first be well organized with their time and conduct effective planning. According to me, time management is the practice of planning and managing the amount of time spent on a certain task. In addition, effective time management reduces stress and promotes work success by allowing one to compete for more in less time.


6. Do you believe that effective time management requires planning?

Yes, planning is really essential for time management. Planning enables us to plan what has to be done when, how, and for how long. It assists in closing the distance between where we are now and where we desire to go.


7. How would you go about teaching time management to your kids?

Well, I'll start by giving them tasks to do within the allotted time. To keep them motivated, I'll give them gifts and take them on trips. This will teach them how to manage their time effectively.


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