9. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

9. Describe a toy you liked in your childhood

You should say:

What was it?

When did you receive it?

What kind of thing is it?

How have you played with it?

And Explain how you felt about it.


During my childhood, I had so many toys, such as robots, superbikes, cars, and so on. But mostly, I had car toys, as I was highly obsessed with cars, whether they were automatic, electronic, simple, or remote-controlled.


What it was:

But today I am going to talk about a car that was running on battery power.


When you received it:

I vividly remember when I was in 3rd grade, a new battery-operated car was launched on the market that had the latest technology. And I insisted my parents buy it for me, but they refused. But on my 9th birthday, they gifted me that car.


What kind of it is:

It was red and worked with four pen torch batteries fixed in a box under the car. When I switched it on, it moved in all directions, and if there was an obstacle in the way, it could change its direction automatically. Also, it had lights of different colours that flickered all the time.


How you played with it:

I was so fascinated by that car that I used to finish its batteries very quickly. Even me and one of my best friends went car racing with our cars in the evening and enjoyed it a lot.


How you felt about it:

I showed it to all of my friends with pride because none of them had such a beautiful toy car. Even once, I took it to school in my bag to show it to my classmates, but when I came back home, my mother got angry with me.

I was so possessive about it and never let anyone touch it.

Even now, I don't play with it, but I have that car in my room because it has emotional value for me.

So, all in all, that was the toy that I liked most in my childhood. 

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a toy you liked in your childhood."


1. What is the difference between girls’ and boys’ toys?

Traditionally, dolls, kitchen sets, fairies, and butterflies were popular toys among girls. Typically, boys preferred loud, noisy, and violent toys like vehicles, firearms, and construction toys. Another distinction was that guys often chose shades of blue, brown, and green. Girls, however, preferred pink with a hint of purple. Over time, these differences have diminished.


2. Do you think toys really help children’s development?

Yes, toys have an important impact on a child's growth. It helps in the growth of their cognitive, motor, and sensory abilities. Additionally, it promotes their social development, particularly when they play with other kids. When parents teach their children to put their toys away correctly, kids also learn responsibility.


3. Does modern technology have an influence on children’s toys?

Yes, toys are greatly influenced by modern technology. Over time, both the kinds of toys that are accessible and the tastes of kids have changed. Robotic and app-controlled automobiles are becoming more common today. Board games have declined in popularity. Simple toys and action figures have also evolved into much more elaborate versions.


4. Have we lost our hand skills, such as sewing?

Hand sewing is most definitely a thing of the past. The use of sewing machines has greatly increased. But people still use hand sewing machines. There is a foot pedal or a hand pedal on them. When my mom sews, she has to run a completely automated computerised sewing machine by herself.


5. What toys are popular with kids in India today?

In India, a wide variety of toys are in demand. Children like mechanical and wooden toys, but electronic toys are quickly gaining favour.


6. In general, do children today have many toys?

They do, indeed. I think the kids around me have too many toys when I look at them. Never have I had so many. I believe that parents nowadays are replacing the time they spend with their kids by providing them with an increasing number of toys.


7. Do you think playing with electronic toys has a good influence on kids?

Electronic devices do introduce kids to technology. They improve the ability to formulate strategies. They are excellent, but when kids play video games for too long, they lose focus on everything else and turn bad.


8. Do you think there are some toys that are only suitable for girls and some that are only suitable for boys?

Currently not. Gender differences are rapidly decreasing, and today's toys are the same for boys and girls to play with.


9. Which do you think is better, for children to play with toys alone or with other kids?

Playing with other kids is certainly more enjoyable for youngsters. When children play with others, they develop a variety of social skills, including sharing and caring.


10. Do you think parents should encourage their children to share their toys with other kids?

Definitely, yes. They ought to encourage their kids to give other kids their belongings. They won't require as many toys as a result.


11.How are toys today different from toys of the past?

In contrast to the wooden and plastic toys of the past, we now have electrical toys.


12. How do you think toys will change in the future?

Nobody knows what the future has in store for us, but from what I can see, there will be an increasing number of technological devices that kids will play with as toys.


13. If you were going to give a present to a child, what would you give him?

I would give a book as a gift to a young person. He might not initially enjoy it, but he will soon form the habit of reading. I think the best presents are books. They are always with that individual.

14. What kinds of gifts do parents give to their young children?

Children receive gifts of many kinds from their parents. They provide gifts in accordance with their children's needs. Most often, parents give their children educational presents so they may learn something in an enjoyable way.


15. Is it good to give children too many presents, such as too many toys?

Absolutely, it is not a good idea to give a youngster too many things. When children receive an excessive number of toys, they do not understand their value. Additionally, it restricts their creativity and imagination. Additionally, they do not learn how to share with other kids.


16. Some parents don’t spend much time with their children but instead give them gifts as a way to show their appreciation. Do you think this is good enough?

No, I don't believe this is sufficient. The absence of quality time with the kids is more significant than the presents given to them.



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