3. Describe a good news you heard recently

3. Describe a good news story you heard recently

You should say:

What was the news?

When did you hear this news?

How have you heard this news?

Why were you happy?

And Explain why you feel it was good news.

Model Answer 1: 

In our daily lives, we are constantly hearing news. Whether or not some are positive.

But here I would like to talk about a time when I heard good news recently.

What was the news:

The news was that a multi-specialty hospital would open soon in my hometown.

When you heard this news:

I was out on a walk with some buddies in a park around two months ago.

How did you hear this news:

We then noticed some neighbours talking to each other while standing in a group. As a result, we joined them and learned that they were discussing a hospital that would be founded by the mayor of our community. He had claimed that it would be open 24 hours a day and would offer the needy free medical care.

Why were you happy:

I was overjoyed to hear the news because there aren't many good medical facilities in my area, so anyone in need of care must go to places like Chandigarh, Delhi, Karnal, etc. Due to this delay, a lot of very ill patients occasionally experience lasting health harm.

Why do you feel it was good news:

I believe it was fantastic news since everyone needs these treatments at some point in their lives, and if the facilities are close by, then everyone should receive quick care, recover quickly, and resume their normal lives.

So, all in all, that was good news that I heard recently.

Model Answer 2:

In our daily lives, we are constantly hearing news. Whether or not some are positive 
Everyone receives any type of excellent news from time to time; I'm certain of it.

But here I would like to talk about a time when I heard good news recently.


What was the news:

I received some excellent news: I had been accepted to the university of my dreams. I had always wanted to attend a certain institution and study hard to fulfil my ambition. I was overjoyed to learn that I had been accepted. It was a special moment that I will cherish forever and never forget. 

When you heard this news:

When I was in my senior year of high school, I learned about this. I had been waiting for the outcome of my applications with great interest, so when I learned that I had been approved, I was overjoyed. I had been waiting for this moment my entire life, and now it had come true.


How did you hear this news:

This news came to me in a strange manner. I had been looking forward to the day I would get a letter in the mail with the outcome of my application. The news, however, did not come to me in the mail. It was actually a text message from one of my friends. She sent me a text message to inform me that she had learned that I had been accepted. I was happy and shocked to receive the news I had been waiting for.


Why do you feel it was good news:

I felt this was good news because it signified that my efforts had paid off and I had fulfilled my objective. Years of hard work were now beginning to bear fruit. It was a source of pride for me as well since I was able to demonstrate to myself and others that I was capable of achieving my goals. It was a happy and joyful moment, and I will never forget it.

So, all in all, that was good news that I heard recently.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a good news story you heard recently."


1. How do people share the good news?

The good news can be shared in several ways. They only communicate face-to-face. Additionally, they use social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, and WhatsApp. Additionally, they give the other person a call to share any positive news. They also write emails for this reason.


2. Why do people share news on social media and is it good to share news on social media?

Sharing news on social media is easy and efficient. People only need to write one message, and it instantly reaches a huge audience. Sharing anything on social media is normally not an issue for me. But rather than doing it in front of others, it needs to be done carefully with family and friends.


3. How does modern technology affect the delivery of information?

It has a wide range of effects. Information is now sent instantly because of it. You may instantly contact all of your friends and group members by updating your status on Facebook or WhatsApp.


4. Should the media only publish good news?

Absolutely not. I believe it's crucial to publish both. These days, a lot of media just focuses on crimes and disasters since they increase their TRP. Both good and bad news should be featured in the media in order to give viewers a more complete picture of the world.


5. When do people share the good news?

When something positive has happened to them, people want to make sure their loved ones know. For instance, whenever somebody becomes a father, he wants to tell everyone about it. Anyone who purchases a new house or automobile wants to inform their friends and family about the purchase. He wants the public to be aware of anyone who passes a test or gets a new position.


6. What kinds of good news have you received before?

I have had a variety of wonderful news. I learned that my cousin had a baby girl, which was wonderful news. I also learned that my cousin passed his eighth-grade exam.

7. What kind of good news do people like to hear?
People like hearing positive news about their friends' and relatives' achievements, famous people visiting their town or city, festival celebrations, and newly released films starring their favorite actors or actresses. Additionally, people are interested in learning about any recent city or neighborhood development projects that have been approved.


8. Why do people share news on social media?

Sharing news on social media is easy and efficient. People only need to write one message, and it instantly reaches a huge audience.


Indeed, it's in our nature. Being social creatures, we find enjoyment in spreading good news to others. However, a lot of the time, individuals don't talk about the bad things in their lives, and this causes issues like loneliness and sadness.


9. Do people like to hear good news from their friends?

Most of the time, sure. However, it can occasionally result in jealousy. For instance, let's say two friends are studying for the same exam, and one of them passes while the other fails. It's possible that the unsuccessful buddy won't be as happy to hear of the success of the other friend. It's in our nature.


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