Some people say that advertisement is mainly done to increase the sales of non-essential products. Do you agree or disagree?

It is believed that boosting the sales of non-essential goods among consumers is the major goal of advertising. I totally disagree with the statement, as not only do advertisements play an essential role in launching new products into the market, but they also work as a strategy to overcome the competition from other brands.

To begin with, introducing new services to consumers is the major goal of advertisements. It is obvious that in the developing world, the daily needs and ways of doing work are changing, which makes it necessary for businesses to introduce innovative products for their customers into the market. So, after manufacturing goods, the best way for companies to establish their name in the market is through advertisement. For instance, a recently launched Vacuum cleaner brand, Dyson, became so popular with advertisements even before its launch into the market, which helped the company establish its name in the market.
Furthermore, competing with other brands also makes it necessary for businesses to use advertisements. This is because the consumer market is full of brands that provide similar products and services to customers. Therefore, to save them from being lost in this era of competition, companies prefer to advertise at a huge level in order to show the services of their product better than competitor brands. Therefore, commercials are used as a strategy to compete with others. For example, a survey conducted by the Federal Trade Commission revealed that in 2022 alone, smartphone brands invested the highest amount of money on advertising their phones because of the competition from other brands.

To conclude, overcoming competition and the introduction of new products into the market are the two major goals that make it necessary for companies to advertise their products.

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