18. Describe a course that you want to learn in the future

18. Describe a course that you want to take in the future

You should say:

What is this course?

When do you want to learn it?

Where can you learn it?

And Explain why you want to learn it.

Well, being a student, I have studied a range of different subjects during my schooling and acquired lots of knowledge from them.

What this course is:

There are many different types of courses available for students to choose from, but the course that I want to take is trading in the stock market.

The stock market is the place where people invest their money in the shares of a company to earn a profit. And trading in the stock market is quite risky if people do not learn some basic knowledge before investing in it, like fundamental analysis and technical analysis of shares.

I also knew many people who now earn good profits from it, but they also faced some financial losses in the beginning.

And nowadays, because of its popularity in India, especially among youth, a lot of courses are available for learning about the share market.


When you want to learn it:

I have not earned it yet. So, it is the best time for me to gain knowledge about it.

After completing my communication course, I want to learn about this course on the online platform YouTube, as it is time-saving.


Where you can learn it:

Nowadays, a lot of famous traders who have been trading in the stock market for a few years provide this knowledge for beginners.

I want to take lessons about this course from the Booming Bulls Channel, which is run by Anish Singh Thakur. One of my teachers, Sandeep Sir, suggested I watch this channel to learn about trading, as he also learned from it and is now a successful trader.


Why do you want to learn it:

The major reason why I want to learn about this course is that it is a good way to earn an extra income apart from my main occupation, which I will do in the future. Even so, I can do trading anywhere in the world.

So, all in all, that is a course that I want to take in the future.


Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a course that you want to learn in the future."

1. What’s the most popular thing to learn nowadays?

These days, learning digital marketing is a really popular skill. In the past, businesses generally reached consumers through print, television, and radio. Today, businesses all over the world reach consumers through digital channels like websites, email, search engines, and social media platforms. One of the most in-demand talents is digital marketing, and there are lots of job opportunities in this area.



2. At what age should children start making their own decisions? Why?

Parents should let their kids make their own decisions once they graduate from high school. When they are younger, parents can explain their alternatives to them and assist them in making a decision. However, as children get older, parents should let them make their own decisions and even deal with the consequences of their choices. They are gaining knowledge from it. Parents should provide guidance but allow children to make the final decision when the choices are difficult and complicated, such as choosing a major.



3. What influences young people more when choosing a course: income or interest?

I think it varies from person to person. Some young people choose a career or course based on the income and job opportunities in that field. They want to be able to provide for their families and afford the necessities. Others choose based on their interests, even if the area they choose is not that high-paying. They choose their happiness and passion over money. Sometimes, a person may be more influenced by their interests than by their income.



4. Do young people take their parents advice when choosing a major?

Yes, the majority of youngsters follow their parents' recommendations when deciding on a major. They are aware that their parents, who have greater life experience, want the best for their kids. Although their parents may hold different opinions, young people should ultimately select the major they prefer.



5. Besides parents, who else would people take aadvice from?

Teachers and school counselors are other sources of advice for students. The advantages and disadvantages of students are well known to teachers who have worked closely with them. Additionally, school counselors can assist students in choosing a career path. They can assist them in focusing their skills and interests so they can select an area that will support their career objectives.



6. Why do some people prefer to study alone?

Because they can concentrate better when they are alone, some people prefer to study alone. They can also proceed at their own pace and fully understand the ideas of one topic before moving on to another.



7. Should schools teach both arts and science?

Yes, science and the arts should be taught in schools. Both subjects are crucial in the classroom. Though science and technology help us live better lives, the arts also teach us how to live them. Truths have been proven in science, and instances are explained. They are interpreted through art. People are more likely to enjoy life and experience the pleasure of living when they are exposed to art. Both should be taught in schools because of this.



8. What kinds of courses are useful for university students?

Students at universities are free to enroll in any course they like. Each course has its own significance. The employment market benefits from some courses. Some are only done for one's own satisfaction.



9. Why do some students dislike studying at school?

For a variety of reasons, some students find studying boring. First off, they may simply have no interest in learning. Second, the method of instruction could not be effective. Another significant factor could be the fact that their parents make them study subjects they find boring. For instance, the student might wish to major in commerce, but his parents may pressure him to go into the medical field.



10. What school activities are good for schoolchildren? 

All extracurricular and curricular activities are beneficial for kids. They should take part in academic study as well as sports, music, and other activities.

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