19. Describe a time when you got positive feedback for work that you did

19. Describe a time when you got positive feedback for work that you did

You should say:

When was it?

What did you do?

Why did you get positive feedback?

And explain how you felt about it?

Everyone likes to be appreciated, and I am no exception. I have received many compliments from others on different occasions in my life.

Here I am going to share my experience when I got valuable feedback for my extraordinary work.

When was it:

About a year ago in June. It was my cousin's first birthday. Since it was the first birthday of my cousin. So all of the family members decided to celebrate it at the restaurant. Therefore, they allowed me to host it.


What you did:

I agreed to take this opportunity.

Firstly, I searched many hotels or restaurants but didn't find the best one, but at last, I found the best restaurant, which was owned by my senior friend.

After that, I started planning the event and its timing. Then, I made a list of all the guests with the help of my family members who were to be invited.

Also, I make a list of all the activities that were included, such as the cake-cutting ceremony, dance performance, games, etc.

Why you got positive feedback:

The event was organized successfully because everything met expectations. Also, everyone who we invited arrived on time. The decoration was top-notch. Apart from that, the children of my family gave solo performances and entertained everyone.

At the end of the party, everyone wanted to know about the host of the party, so all of my family members presented themselves to me in front of everyone, and I really got a lot of appreciation at that time from everyone, and they had a huge smile on their faces as well and gave me a suggestion to become a freelancer.


How you felt about it:

I felt very happy at that moment. Knowing that all of the guests and family members enjoyed that party, I was on cloud nine.

So, all in all, that was the occasion when I got positive feedback for my work.


Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a time when you got positive feedback for work that you did."


1. Do you like helping others?

Yes, I like to help others. When I can help somebody in any way, it makes me very happy. I always try my best to assist everyone who asks for help from me.


2. In your view, should children be taught how to help others?

Yes, teaching children to help others is a good idea. They should be educated to understand that if they assist others today, they will receive help if they require it tomorrow.


3. How can we encourage children to help others?

Children can be inspired to serve others by our actions. They will naturally pick up the habit of assisting others if they observe their elders doing so.


4. Do you think people are less willing to help others these days compared to the past?

Yes, in my opinion. Life today moves very rapidly. People have developed work addictions. They have turned alone and have no time to assist others.


5. Do people trust others as much as they used to in the past?

No, I don't believe that. My parents and grandparents have often told me how much easier and slower life used to be. People had faith in one another. Nowadays, it can be highly challenging to locate someone you can trust.


6. How do people in your community help one another?

In my neighborhood, people support one another in any way they can. Some people donate money to charity, while others give their time.


7. How can students, such as high school students, help each other?

Students assist one another by exchanging notes. Some assist one another by lending out their vehicles.


8. How can charitable organizations help people?

People can benefit from charitable organizations in different ways. They offer assistance by offering money or by teaching skills that can enable people to support themselves. For instance, they start free computer learning centers and sewing schools.


9. What are some examples of such organizations in your country?

One company Salman Khan manages is called Being Humane. Then there are the Rotary Club, the Jaycees, and the Lions.


10. What do you think are the benefits of having unpaid volunteer workers?

Having unpaid volunteers has a lot of advantages. Numerous people can benefit even with very little financial support.


11. How do you think the volunteers themselves benefit?

The benefits for volunteers themselves are numerous. If they provide free assistance today, they may receive a paid position from the same network tomorrow. They will also have the chance to improve their practical skills.


12. Should professionals be hired rather than using volunteer workers?

Depending on the job For instance, it is preferable to hire professionals if free eye treatments need to be performed. Otherwise, volunteers may achieve the goal.


13. Do you think international aid, for example, from my national government to another, is important?

Yes, I agree that it is crucial. It creates positive connections between nations. However, I believe that wealthier nations ought to try to provide jobs and other facilities to underdeveloped nations rather than directly providing financial aid.




Yes, due to Sri Lanka's recent severe economic crisis, international support from one nation to another is essential in the current situation. Even the most basic necessities, like food and some fossil fuels, are inaccessible to them. A regular person cannot live his life. India therefore assisted Sri Lanka at that time.


14. Can you give examples of international aid? 

Pulse Polio is an example of the international assistance provided by the Rotary Club to eradicate polio worldwide.




Yes, as I previously indicated, Sri Lanka is experiencing a severe economic problem, but India is assisting them. Similar to this, numerous wealthy nations are supporting people's emigration to other nations by sharing their food resources with those fighting in Ukraine.

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