23. Describe a time when you missed an appointment

23. Describe a time when you missed an appointment

You should say:

What the appointment was for?

When and where it happened?

What was the reason when you missed it?

And explain how you felt about the appointment?

Model Answer 1:

Well, being a student, I mostly have appointments with Doctors in my life. But here, I would like to share my experience when I missed an appointment.

What the appointment was for:

The appointment was for a passport.


When and where it happened:

About 3 months ago, I took an appointment for a passport because I have a plan to go abroad for my higher studies, and Luckily, I got an appointment after a month in Chandigarh at 12:15 p.m.

I decided to go there by bus because I did not have a car and I thought that it would be very expensive for me to hire a car for a day.

On the day of the appointment, I left my house on time, around 9 o'clock in the morning, as it takes only 2 hours to reach Chandigarh from my hometown by bus.


What was the reason when you missed it:

But unfortunately, due to heavy rain, the bus got delayed for around 30 minutes, and I found the bus around 9:40.

Before reaching Ambala, the bus stopped at many stations along the way. And I reached Ambala around 11 o'clock and thought that I would miss my appointment because there was only one hour left, and I covered around 40 kilometers more.

So, I requested that the driver drive the bus fast, and he really drove the bus fast. But, unfortunately, I got stuck in a traffic jam, and I reached around 12:30 p.m. on my appointment. When I reached there, I showed the documents to the security guards, but they did not allow me to go inside because at that time a lot of people inside had an appointment. But they told me to reschedule my appointment, and they rescheduled it for next week.


How you felt about the appointment:

I really felt very sad and disappointed at that time, and after that, I decided that I never took a chance of being late or going early anywhere.

So, all in all, that was a time when I missed an appointment.

Model Answer 2:

Most people today struggle with the issue of forgetting things while working.

And here, I would like to share my experience when I missed an appointment.


What the appointment was for:

The appointment was for my hair fall treatment with a hair specialist.


When and where it happened:

I got help from a hair professional since I was experiencing hair loss, and he recommended three months of hair treatments while also advising me against skipping even one. I began this procedure in November of last year. I had to go to the medical facility twice a month.


What was the reason when you missed it:

Three months later, when the procedure was close to being completed and there was just one appointment remaining, I forgot about it. I missed my appointment since I attended a friend's birthday celebration at her house the same day. The doctor contacted me the following day and told me that I would have to start the entire process over and pay for it.


How you felt about the appointment:

I was discouraged because the procedure was expensive, and my parents were mad at me for it. Since that incident, I have always set the alarm on my phone to remind me of all my appointments and tasks.

So, all in all, that was a time when I missed an appointment.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a time when you missed an appointment."


1. Which events in your country do most people forget?

We can't really generalize this, but I believe that people frequently forget the birthdays and anniversaries of their friends and family.


2. Do you think it is a good idea to use electronic devices for reminders?

Yes, I believe that using technological devices like smartphones, computers, tablets, etc. to set reminders for important tasks and occasions is a very good idea.


3. Do you use them?

Yes, I have set alarms for important tasks and birthday and anniversary reminders. It helps keep me organized.


4. How can memory help in learning new skills?

When learning a new skill, memory is important. The only way we can recall the guidelines or methods to use when studying a specific talent is if we have an excellent memory.


5. How can modern technology help you keep good memories?

Good memories are greatly helped by modern technology. Reminders can be put up for important dates. We can take images of special moments using our phones to record them.


6. Is human memory important nowadays?

Yes, the importance of human memory has not changed. Learning something new is necessary. It is necessary for success in any industry. But compared to prior eras, we now use our memories much less because of our reliance on technology.


7. Can electronic devices such as smartphones replace human memory?

Technology can never fully replace human memory, though. In order to prevent the early start of memory-related issues, we must draw a line and restrict how much we rely on technology for computing and keeping information.


8. How often do you make appointments?

I rarely schedule appointments. I only obtain an appointment when I have to visit the dentist or doctor.


9. Is it important to be punctual in your country?

I believe that being on time is crucial everywhere, not just in my country. Being on time will save both your and the other person's time.


10. Is it easy to make an appointment in India?

Yes, scheduling an appointment is simple. But it's crucial that, if you schedule an appointment, you show up on time as well.

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