25. Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste (e.g. in a park, on the beach, etc.)

25. Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste 
(e.g. in a park, on the beach, etc.)

You should say:

Where did you see the plastic waste?

When did you see the plastic waste?

Why was there a lot of plastic waste?

What did you do after you saw it?

And Explain what your thoughts were about this.

Model Answer 1:

Unfortunately, the threat caused by plastic garbage is growing, and it is not unusual to find plastic waste in our surroundings.

However, here I am going to talk about a time when I saw a lot of plastic waste.

Where and when you saw:

Actually, I went to a lake in my hometown with some friends last month; there, people frequently go for picnics and boat rides. This location is well known for its beautiful surroundings.


Why there was a lot of plastic waste:

But when we got closer to the lake, we couldn't help but feel terrible since so much of it was made of plastic. Many individuals travel to this location with food in plastic bottles and containers, which they then carelessly throw away after use. We observed a variety of items that were harming both the beauty of nature and the lives of marine animals, such as cans, wrappers, plastic bags, bottles, and so on.


What you did:

First, we took a few pictures of the lake and the surrounding area, which was full of plastic trash.

Following that, we went to the management and asked them to clear the area to keep it clean and set up some dustbins for proper garbage disposal.

Last but not least, we asked them to try to ban plastic at the site. Finally, we cleaned the area with the cleaning crew, which was sufficient to convince others of their duty.

The management appreciated our efforts and promised us that they would take all necessary steps to maintain the facility's cleanliness.

So, all in all, that was a place where I saw a lot of plastic waste. 

Model Answer 2:

There is no doubting that modern technology has made our lives more comfortable through numerous discoveries, but it has also produced items like plastic that are bad for the environment. 

However, here I am going to talk about a time when I saw a lot of plastic waste.


Where and when you saw:

I visited PCA Stadium in Mohali to watch a cricket match last year. Australia and India played in the game. Both sides gave everything they had to win in a nail-biting contest.

The Indian team won the game because of Virat Kohli's amazing performance. However, there were mounds of plastic trash visible in the stands as people left the venue.


Why there was a lot of plastic waste:

Because the catering service provided the food items in plastic bags during the game, there was plastic waste present.

In addition, the water bottles that were offered to the audience to quench their thirst were made of plastic.

And finally, there weren't enough containers for trash. Because of this, several spectators put bags and plastic bottles under the chairs.


What you did after you saw it:

I notified the stadium staff immediately, and they sent out a team from their housekeeping department to clean up the mess. As a volunteer, I also helped dispose of all the plastic garbage in the trash cans. Three hours of hard labor went into the entire process.


And explain what your thoughts were about this:

In my perspective, the majority of people are aware of the devastating effects of continued plastic usage, but they still do it. The higher authorities have a moral duty to create strict rules to curb its widespread use.

So, all in all, that was a place where I saw a lot of plastic waste.

Model Answer 3:

Unfortunately, there is currently a serious problem with rising plastic trash. In fact, most individuals in today's "use and throw" culture use a lot of plastic things and either intentionally or unintentionally throw them away.
Therefore, finding trash in our surroundings is common. And here I am going to talk about a time when I saw a lot of plastic waste. 

Where and when you saw:

In my hometown, elections were held last week. Because of this, the political parties did everything in their power to influence unaware voters.

There were numerous rallies, and I went to one of them. I noticed a lot of plastic lying about after the rally.


Why there was a lot of plastic waste:

There was plastic trash for two reasons. First, the political party handed out a ton of marketing materials in the form of flags, caps, and danglers. These objects were mainly made of plastic.

The political party's main objective was to increase the public's awareness of their candidate. The general populace, nevertheless, dismissed it as unimportant and threw it to the ground.

Second, a lot of water bottles were given out to quench everyone's thirst. People used the bottles and then left them at the rally site.


What you did after you saw it:

I quickly dialed the office of the pollution board. Their staff arrived in a half hour, cleaned up the mess, and issued a warning to the political party to take sufficient measures for garbage disposal or else pay a large fine.


And explain what your thoughts were about this:

I believe it is our duty to maintain the quality of our environment. People from all walks of life should avoid using plastic, and when they do, they should be careful to dispose of it properly.

So, all in all, that was a place where I saw a lot of plastic waste.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a time when you saw a lot of plastic waste."


1. Do you think we should use plastic products?

No, I don't believe it should be recommended to use plastic items. We hear in the news every day about how plastics are harming the environment and that the only thing we can do to stop it is to ban their use. The majority of plastic garbage cannot be recycled and is instead disposed of in landfills or thrown into the ocean.


2. How can we reduce our use of plastic?

We can decrease our use of plastic by taking a variety of easy, daily actions. People don't always need to purchase a plastic water bottle because they can always have a steel one with them. The use of jute or other textile bags for bringing items from grocery stores is another option available to individuals.


3. What kinds of plastic waste are often seen in your country?

The plastic bags that people use for grocery shopping are without a doubt the most common plastic trash in my nation. The second place goes to the plastic water or soft drink bottles.


4. Why do people like to use plastic products?

I believe there are mainly two causes behind it. One is that plastic is easier to use since it resists damage and keeps the products dry and protected. Second, compared to metal or other substitutes, plastic is less expensive.

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