27. Describe a time when you had to lend something to a person you know

27. Describe a time when you had to lend something to someone you knew

You should say:

What have you lent him?

When did you lend him?

Why did he ask to borrow the item?

And explain how you felt about this.

Would you let him borrow again in the future?


Model Answer 1:

Well, Lending things is a very common practice in our society. Lending things to someone is not only a way of helping them but also an act of kindness and charity. Being a person with a helping nature, I always prefer to help others in their hard times by giving them my obsessions or time. 

What you lent him:

And here I am to share one such experience: when I lent my car to my friend.


When you lent him:

It was around 2 years ago when one of my friends, Mohit, called me at around 1 a.m. I picked up his call, and he was very scared while talking and said that he needs my car urgently.


Why he asked to borrow the item:

He asked to borrow the item because his mother got badly sick and he had to take her to the hospital in the nearby city. I immediately asked my father, and he permitted me to lend our car to my friend.

I gave my car to him because I knew his father drove well and safely. So I was comfortable giving him the car.

Then I drove my car to his home and gave him the car. After getting the car, he and his father took his mother to the private hospital in Karnal.


How did you feel about this:

After reaching the hospital, he called me and thanked me. On the next day, he returned my car as his mother got discharged from the hospital, and he thanked me again for helping his family during a tough time. I feel so happy to help my friend.


Would you let him borrow again in the future:

Even in the future, I will always help my friend whenever he is in need.

So, all in all, that was a time when I had to lend a car to my friend.

Model Answer 2:

When they need something for a while, people lend their possessions to friends and family. We occasionally need to assist others in dire circumstances by giving them the tools, cash, or automobiles they require. Helping so strengthens the tie and keeps relationships alive.

What you lent him:

And here I am to share one such experience: when I lent my laptop to my friend.


When you lent him:

Who is a famous graphic designer. He was working on a crucial project when his laptop stopped working, necessitating an urgent call for assistance. He came to me and asked for my assistance because I live close by and we have fun together on the weekends.


Why he asked to borrow the item:

He asked me to lend him my laptop for two days while he sent his computer to the service center because they needed to replace some parts and it would take a few days to get them. I understood his situation, and it was the weekend; therefore, I gave him my computer without any hesitation. He knew I have a laptop with a high configuration, and he required a computer that could really process excellent photos and graphics.


How did you feel about this:

He is a really close friend who uses his enormous skills to help others, so I felt good. I also assisted him in his difficult circumstances. I believed that friends should support one another when they are in need.


Would you let him borrow again in the future:

Of course I will. He is a tech expert and has extensive knowledge of it. He takes care of everything well. I always ask for his assistance when I need it, and he never turns me down.

So, all in all, that was a time when I had to lend a car to my friend.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a time when you had to lend something to a person you know."


1. What do you think of people who are posting about their personal lives on social media?

Personally, I don't because I believe it can be extremely harmful. However, I also believe that this is a matter of personal choice, and I don't judge others based on their choices. I understand why people do it since I am aware that many of them do it to make money.


2. How do you feel about sharing research documents online?

Although I wouldn't do it before the research is released, I believe it is entirely appropriate if it is provided for the benefit of the public after publication.


3. Do you think children should share their things with each other?

It is without a doubt right for siblings to share clothing and toys inside the household, in my opinion. Regarding other kids, I believe it is okay to share toys when they come over to play, but I don't believe they should be given permission to take the things home.


4. Why aren't children willing to share their things with each other?

I believe they pick up on and see these behaviors in their parents. If their parents are overly possessive of material possessions, they will likely follow suit.


5. How can parents teach their children about sharing?

I believe that encouraging kids to share should be rewarded. For instance, if kids are willing to share their toys, they may be given new ones. In the same way, parents could punish their children for refusing to share their possessions by cutting off communication for a while.


6. Will sharing become more popular in the future?

In the future, sharing will become more popular. This is due to a variety of reasons. First and foremost, the world has increasingly become a global community, and the majority of nations depend largely on international trade to support their exchequer.

People from many nations now work together much more frequently as a result.

Additionally, the internet has produced free information-posting websites like YouTube and Quora. The unrestricted sharing of information by millions of creators throughout the world encourages collaboration.

As a result, international collaboration between nations will increase in the next few years.



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