28.Describe a time when you helped a child

28. Describe a time when you helped a child

You should say:

When did it happen?

How have you helped him?

Why had you helped him?

And explain how you felt about it?

Being of a helpful nature, I am always ready to help others whenever they need it, and it gives me pleasure when I help someone.

Even though I have assisted others numerous times, today I am going to share one such experience when I helped a child.


When it happened:

About 3 years ago, I went to the Golden Temple with my family to pay obeisance to God.

After taking a holy bath, I saw a child who was crying and alone, so I immediately went towards him.


How you helped him:

He was around six years old when he lost his way and separated from his parents, as Golden Temple is overcrowded all the time.

First of all, I made him feel comfortable and gave him some candy so that he stopped crying.

Then, after some time, I asked him about the contact number of his parents, but he did not remember.

Therefore, when I asked him about his address, he had a vague idea. Luckily, after some time, he told me his father's name.

So, without wasting time, I went to the announcement centre and announced that a child had passed away.


Why you helped him:

Luckily, his parents came immediately to pick him up. Finally, he got a sign of relief and was very happy, and his parents continuously kissed him. Then they thanked me.

I assisted him because he was a small kid, and for him, finding his parents was a very difficult task.


How you felt about it:

I really felt very happy because I saved the future of a child by reuniting him with his parents. I will never forget the smile on his and his parents faces.

So, all in all, that was a time when I helped a child.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some samples of other questions the examiner could make regarding the cue card during your third speaking section: "Describe a time when you helped a child."

1. Do you like helping others? 

Yes, I like helping others because it gives me a lot of mental satisfaction and happiness when I help someone.


2. Should parents teach their children to help others?

Yes, parents should teach their kids to help others. Since parents brought their children into the world, it is their responsibility to raise them to be morally and socially responsible adults. To achieve this, parents don't need to take any specific action. They only need to set an example. Kids will inevitably follow in their footsteps. The entire planet would be a pleasant place to live if all citizens were kind and helpful.


3. Do you think nowadays people do more good work as compared to the past?

I don’t think that people nowadays do more good work than in the past.  As in the past, life was simpler and slower. People helped each other a lot. Currently, everyone is caught up in the rat race of money and materialism. Nobody has the time to help others.


4. Will you help others in the future?

Yes, definitely. I will help others in the future. I really believe that we should treat people how we want to be treated. Only when I help others will I be able to count on help when I need it.


5. How do you encourage children to help others?

Nothing unique is necessary to encourage children to help others, as they are keen observers who often imitate their elders. Simply by helping others, you will naturally attract their support.


6. How do world social organisations such as the Red Cross collect their funds worldwide?

World social organisations such as the Red Cross collect their funds worldwide by advertising their work. They plan events and include children and teenagers in them. They use the media as well.


7. Do small non-government organisations always need big organisations’ help, or can they collect funds themselves?

No, they don't always need assistance from large organisations. If their projects are minor, they can handle them independently; if not, they can ask their larger competitors for assistance.

8. Do you think people in India should help foreigners who are visiting India and who need help? (Why?/Why not?)

India is renowned for its friendliness and helpfulness. Visitors are revered as gods. We should be assisted if there are tourists in need. They'll bring up joyful memories, and tourists will continue to pour in over time.

9. What is the most important way for a country to help foreigners who are visiting the country?

By teaching visitors about our traditions and practises, we can prevent them from unintentionally offending anyone's feelings. By giving them delicious, sanitary meals that meet their tastes, we can assist them. By not taking advantage of them when they purchase souvenirs, they can be helped.


10. Many people only look out for themselves and never think about helping others. What do you think of this attitude?

Such folks, in my opinion, have very limited vision who never think about helping others and look out for themselves. They don't realise that if they don't assist others, they will also be ignored when they require assistance.


11. Do Indian people help others who need help, such as people in extreme poverty? (How?)

Yes, those who live in great poverty receive assistance from Indians. Some people offer assistance both directly and via charitable organisations.

12. Who benefits more from the volunteer services—the volunteers or the people helped?

Volunteers do gain some social and practical experience, as well as perhaps friendships, from their work, but in my opinion, the person who is helped more often reaps the rewards because they give without expecting anything in return and greatly lessen the burden and problems of others by helping them. I believe it's accurate to state that volunteers give more than they receive.




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