29. Describe a time when you received money as a gift

29. Describe a time when you received money as a gift

You should say:

When did you receive it?

Who gave it?

How did you feel about it?

And what did you do with it.

Model Answer 1:

In Indian culture, it's fairly usual to give and receive money. There are many occasions when we receive money as a gift, such as a birthday, a wedding ceremony, etc.

I also get so many gifts in my life on many occasions. And here, I would like to talk about a time when I received money as a gift.


When did you receive it:

My parents had a big party at their house and invited all of my relatives and close friends three years ago, when I was 18.

On that special day, I dressed up in a formal suit, and my house was decorated with lights and balloons of different colours. Everyone who arrived at that party whom we invited

Everyone enjoyed the party a lot, and I received so many gifts from all of the guests, such as a selfie stick, smart watch, mobile phone, bag pack, and so on.


Who gave it:

But, apart from these presents, my maternal uncle gave me an envelope, and when I opened it, I saw it had 5100 rupees and a birthday card.

Firstly, I refused to take that money.

But he told me that this was a token of love as he was so busy and did not have time to buy a good gift for me. So, he thought that he had given me some money so that I could purchase a gift according to my taste, whatever I wanted.


How did you feel about it:

I was so happy to know that he was so concerned about my taste, and I was on cloud nine after receiving that money.


What did you do with it:

I used that money and added some pocket money to it to buy new clothes for me, as after a month there was a wedding for my cousin. So, to reduce the burden on my parents, I purchased some new clothes for myself.

So, all in all, that was a time when I received money as a gift.

Model Answer 2:

In this modern era, giving and receiving gifts are quite common. There are many occasions when we receive gifts, such as a birthday, a wedding ceremony, a festival, etc. It always brings a smile to our faces whenever we receive it.

I also get so many gifts in my life on many occasions. And here, I would like to talk about a time when I received money as a gift.


When did you receive it:

My parents had a large celebration at their house and invited all of my friends and family three years ago when I turned 18.

My house was decorated with lights and colourful balloons on that special day, and I suited up in a formal suit.

Everyone had a great time at the party, and I was showered with presents from each and every attendee, including a selfie stick, smart watch, phone, bag pack, and more.


Who gave it:

But beyond these gifts, my cousin brother handed me money in an envelope so I could spend it however I wanted because he was so puzzled by my gift preferences.

When I opened it, it had just the right amount of money for me to purchase an Apple watch.


How did you feel about it:

I was so filled with emotion that tears began to form in my eyes because he was so concerned about my preference.


What did you do with it:

The following day, my brother and I went shopping, and I purchased a white Apple Watch. In my enthusiasm, I snapped a photo of the watch and shared it on my social media account so that my friends and family could see how happy I was.

I was really appreciative of my brother's kindness and concern for me. I adore him so much for his unwavering support and affection. He is aware of my needs, even if I do not express them. Although the present itself was meaningful to me, the person who gave it to me is much more unique.

So, all in all, that was a time when I received money as a gift.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some samples of other questions the examiner could make regarding the cue card during your third speaking section: "Describe a time when I received money as a gift."

1. Is it important for children to have the right attitude towards money?

Yes, it is vital for children to have the right attitude towards money. They should learn the importance of money and saving it starting at an early age, as the future is uncertain and this habit will continue in the future when they start working and earning.


2. What do you think of the saying that love of money is the root of all evil?

This adage, in my opinion, contains a lot of wisdom. Not only is love or an obsession with money the fundamental cause of sadness, but it also causes a number of other issues in a person's life, such as insecurity, an inability to trust others, an unhappy family, selfishness, etc.


3. Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money?

Yes, it is crucial to teach kids how to manage their pocket money so that they will understand the worth and importance of money as adults, avoid wasting it, and manage their finances more effectively in the future.


4. What kinds of occasions require people to send money as gifts?

People typically send money as gifts for events like birthdays, marriages, congratulating someone on the birth of a baby, and other similar occasions, especially in Indian culture.


5. In your country, do parents give children money for doing housework?

In my native India, parents rarely offer their kids money to help out around the house. There may be very few parents who do this, and helping around the house is typically seen as the children's responsibility. Children receive pocket money for their daily, weekly, and monthly expenses.


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