30. Describe a quiet place you like to spend time

30. Describe a quiet place you like to spend time

You should say:

Where is it?

How do you know it?

How often do you go there?

What do you have there?

And Explain why you like the place.

Today, it is very difficult to find a quiet place due to a fast-paced and stressful life. Everyone loves a quiet place so that they can rest or take a break from their work to concentrate more. 

And here, I would like to talk about a place where I go quite often and find great peace.


Where is it:

As I live in the city of Ladwa and my home is near the market, there is no quiet place in my house, but at an approximate distance of 2 kilometres, there is a park whose name is Jindal Park, and it is a very quiet place.


How do you know it:

It is totally spick and span, and there are many trash bins at every hook and corner. Apart from that, there are so many amenities, such as an open gym for all age groups, a 400-metre track for running, swings for children, the availability of fresh water for drinking, and so on.

Also, there is not only a fountain or sculpture but also a well-maintained fish pond, which has many fish, and I just sit on the steps of the pond and feed the fish.


How often do you go there:

I go there every morning and sometimes in the evening with my friends and spend some time there. Whenever I feel depressed or sad, I go there to feel relaxed or fresh.


What do you have there:

I do yoga and exercise there so that I can keep myself fit, and sometimes I study there as it is a very quiet place and easy to concentrate there. Whenever I study there, new ideas are generated in my mind.


Why do you like that place: 

I like that place because it is a stress buster for me and gives me great peace of mind.

So, all in all, that is a quiet place where I like to spend time. 

Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a quiet place you like to spend time."

1. Is it hard to find quiet places in cities?

Yes, with today's growing urbanization and the number of automobiles on the road, it is quite difficult to find peaceful areas in cities. That, in my opinion, is one of the main justifications for vacations.

Unfortunately, popular tourist destinations are much busier.



2. Why is it quieter in the countryside?

It's because you can get away from the noise and bustle of the city in the country. There are no traffic jams, loud noises, or significant pollution. As a result, rural life is tranquil, peaceful, and calm. The countryside provides a lovely background with greenery, farmlands, hills, and woods, in contrast to cities that are filled with people, automobiles, and structures.



3. Why do people go to quiet places?

I believe the major purpose is to allow them to focus on their task and think clearly. Both distraction and decreased productivity are caused by noise.



4. Compared with young people, do old people prefer to live in quiet places?

Some older people like to travel to peaceful locations to enjoy their holidays in the lap of nature because they love greenery, while others go there to find peace of mind and escape the rush of city life.



5. Why do some people not like quiet places?

Some people don't enjoy being alone since they need excitement all around them. They like to be surrounded by action and commotion.



6. Do you know other quiet places?

The country has a lot of peaceful areas. My buddies are spread throughout several villages. Every time I visit their houses, there isn't any road noise; instead, you can hear the chirping of birds and the rustling of leaves, which is quite relaxing to hear.



7. Do you need a quiet place when you are working?

Yes, I definitely like a peaceful environment when I work, but regrettably, it is not always feasible. I've therefore become adapted to some level of background noise.



8. Why do people like to spend time in quiet places?

People enjoy spending time in peaceful environments since, sometimes, they need to be alone. As a result, people visit calm locations like temples and feel stress-relieved.



9. Do you know anyone who likes noise?

I have a lot of buddies who enjoy loud music. They claim that it absorbs the vehicle's noise from its surroundings.



10. Do the older people choose quiet neighborhoods more than the young do?

In my opinion, young people cannot enjoy the luxury of living in calm regions like the countryside because they cannot find excellent work there. Both the old and the young, I believe, love peaceful places.



11. What about locations like coffee shops, parks, and libraries? Are these quiet places?

I don't know about cafés and parks, but I believe that libraries are silent because most people go there to lose themselves in books, create a fantasy world based on the subject they are reading about, and block out all other thoughts during the complete silence.



12. Are housing developments now louder than they used to be?

Due to the traffic, industries, and building sites, I think so. The number of cars has increased, which has resulted in increased traffic congestion and an increase in the growling of engines in major cities. Drivers honking just makes the issue worse, and loud music from pubs, restaurants, and shops is also annoying.



13. Why is the countryside unattractive to young people? 

Living in modern-day cities helps young people become habituated to them. There aren't as many amenities as there are in cities, but people in the countryside should still retain their culture. They must adjust to a technologically driven world in which they have no employment opportunities.


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