31. Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use

31. Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use

You should say:

When did you get it?

What did you get it for?

How often do you use it?

And Explain how you feel about it.

Model Answer 1:

Being a lover of technology, I find it quite simple to understand the features of electronic devices, but there is still one piece of technology that I find difficult to operate.


When did you get it:

When my mother and I visited the market recently for Diwali, we noticed a store selling electrical devices that was offering massive discounts on electrical items. So my mother and I went into that store and found a cutting-edge microwave oven with a 40% discount.

What did you get it for:

My mom decided to purchase it right away for three reasons.

First and foremost, the oven is really cheap.

Second, my mother loves to cook; therefore, she creates a variety of foods in the oven.

Last but not least, I also intend to pursue my further education overseas, so I will also learn to cook so that I won't run into any problems when studying abroad.


How often do you use it:

When we first started using it, we discovered that because it has more than 80 cooking settings, it was really difficult to operate. Additionally, the company claims that we prepare about 200 fast-food items in it. Other than this, we had never used the oven.

My mother often asks me for assistance since she finds using it so challenging. I used the user manual for assistance even when I actually needed to use it.

Even though I am familiar with many of its functions, there are still a number of modes that I cannot operate without consulting the user manual.


How do you feel about it: 

It's a fantastic kitchen tool, in my opinion, and it makes cooking wonderful meals at home much easier. Additionally, I use it to heat the meal, which is really beneficial to me.

Overall, I find it challenging to use that piece of technology.

Model Answer 2:

It's a fact that technology now plays a crucial role in our daily lives. Our cellphones, microwaves, laptops, washing machines, and other technological devices all ease life in some way. However, there are also drawbacks to technology. Technology may occasionally be challenging to use.

And here I am going to talk about a piece of technology that I find difficult to operate: the smart watch.


When did you get it:

Last year, my cousin came from Canada, so from there he got a smartwatch for me as a gift because he wanted me to be more active and healthy. It has features like the ability to send and receive alerts from my phone, as well as track my fitness activities like walking and jogging.


What did you get it for:

The wristwatch was designed to make me more conscious of my physical activity and to encourage me to work out more. Additionally, it was meant to make it easier for me to stay up-to-date with social media, email, and text message notifications on my phone.


How often do you use it:

My smartwatch is something I wear every day. I use it to keep tabs on my running and walking workouts and to check my phone alerts.


How do you feel about it:

I'm happy with the smartwatch overall. I can now better monitor my physical activity and keep up with my phone's alerts. But because it may be tricky to set up and utilise, I find it challenging to use. Although I don't utilise many features, I'm continually learning how to use the ones I do.

Overall, I find it challenging to use that piece of technology.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a piece of technology that you find difficult to use."

1. What technology products or technologies are used by people now?

Well, nowadays people use lots of technological gadgets, which not only make it easier to work but also save time. In reality, we use technology from the moment we get up until we go to sleep. Examples include all of the appliances in the kitchen: vacuum cleaners, blenders, smart watches, washing machines, cellphones, computers, vehicles, and so on.


2. Why do large companies often produce new products?

To boost sales and meet client requirements, large corporations introduce new items. Products that really enhance people's lives are in high demand, which generates large revenues for producers. As nations work to improve, they want to raise the standard of living for their population by offering cutting-edge goods that are simple and convenient.


3. Why are people so enthusiastic about buying newer iPhone models, even when nothing much changes?

I believe the biggest reason is that individuals want to show off having the newest model. Additionally, I believe that purchasing anything new adds excitement. Because we no longer share the same relationships with items that we once did, replacing an outdated model with a newer one is quite simple.


4. What changes has the development of technology brought to our lives?

My opinion is that a lot has changed in our lives. While some developments have improved our lives, others have had negative impacts. On the down side, relationships have weakened since we don't spend as much time together as we once did. Additionally, because we engage in a lot less physical exercise, our lifestyles have grown more sedentary. Positively, we have many more alternatives now than we did in the past. Our food selections are better, our healthcare is better, and our transportation is faster. So it's a mixed bag, in my opinion.


5. Has technology affected the way we study? How?

Yes, in a limited sense. For instance, there are several forms of instruction outside of books, such as films, audios, and presentations. Additionally, it has altered how we look for information. However, it hasn't entirely taken over the role of conventional classroom instruction, which is still the most common type of instruction used globally.

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