32. Describe a place/ country in which you would like to live/ work for a short period of time

32. Describe a place or country in which you would like to live or work for a short period of time

You should say:

Where would you like to live or work?

When would you like to go there?

What do you want to do there?

And Explain why you want to live there.



Well, there are many countries, such as Singapore, Australia, England, and so on, in which I want to travel for a short period of time, Whether for their beautiful views or to explore their culture.


Where you would like to live or work:

But out of these countries, my dream country is Canada, where I want to live for a short period of time.


When would you like to go there:

After completing my English communication course, I am planning to go abroad for my further studies. Actually, about a couple of months ago, my friend, whose name is Tamanna, went to Niagara College in Toronto for her business management course. So, she told me a lot about the education system there, saying that the way of teaching is so good and that they focus more on the practical side than theoretical knowledge. Apart from that, she told me that students can work part time while studying over there, around 20 hours per week, to manage their overhead expenses.


What you want to do there:

I would like to study there, but to manage the overhead expenses, I will also work. So, I thought about working in the library, and if I didn't get a job in the library, I would like to work in a restaurant or fast food outlet. I think it is a good way to learn about the culture and meet new people or make new bonds.


Why you want to live there:

I want to go there because it is a very beautiful country, and there are many beautiful places, such as the Canadian Tower and Niagara Falls. Even in comparison to other countries, the education system and the weather are good there, and it is very easy to do work and study there. So all in all, that is the country where I would like to live for a short period of time.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a place or country in which you would like to live or work for a short period of time."


1. What kinds of jobs are easy to get in a foreign country?

According to my cousin, who lives in Canada, there are numerous jobs that are easy to get for students who are studying there. The most frequent ones are those at fast-food restaurants like McDonald's, Burger King, and Subway, as well as those on college campuses themselves, such as those in the libraries, etc.


2. Should young adults work abroad?

Yes, young adults should work abroad for a variety of reasons, including to cover their overhead costs, relieve their parents' financial burden, develop their independence and responsibility, and get experience in a variety of job environments that will be useful to them in the future. Additionally, it is a great chance to get to know new people, make friends, and learn about the culture of that nation.


3. If they don't work abroad, would it be helpful for them to travel to a foreign country?

Traveling is undoubtedly beneficial. They would gain cultural knowledge, make new friends, travel to new locations, and establish new relationships. But if they don't work, they might not have the money to travel.


4. Do Indian parents encourage their children to work abroad?

Yes, Indian parents encourage their kids to work overseas. In order to help them pay for their expenditures and get work experience, parents make sure their kids are well-informed about the scenarios and obstacles they can encounter when studying abroad.


5. If you had the opportunity to live abroad, which country would you like to settle down in?

If I have the option, I would like to live overseas, preferably in a developed nation like Canada, Australia, the USA, etc. My friends and family that reside abroad have told me that the amenities and infrastructure are greater, and life is quite comfortable. They also claim that there is a far higher standard of living there than in India. Additionally, there are numerous job possibilities there.


6. Would you like to live in a developed city with a high salary but polluted air?

I wouldn't do it until I absolutely needed the money for my family; otherwise, I would stay away from it. I would remove the contaminated air using a face mask. I wouldn't go there with my family, either.


7. Would you like to live alone or share a room with others?

This would also depend on how much better off I am financially. I would share a room if it meant saving money, but otherwise, living alone would provide me with greater liberty and privacy.


8. What are the advantages and disadvantages of living alone?

The drawbacks include the cost and the fact that I would have to handle all of my household duties alone, but the benefits include increased privacy and the ability to live how I like.


9. Do people prefer planned travel?

Yes, there are now too many options available. Because of this, it has become crucial for people to plan their travel. Planning also lowers costs because last-minute bookings or reservations are very pricey.


10. Why are places with historical attractions more active in developing tourism?

I believe that historical locations have a particular attraction for individuals. People frequently desire to visit locations they have read about in history books. Additionally, historical landmarks are unique in that they are specific to a certain region, unlike natural beauty spots like beaches or hill stations, which may be found elsewhere.


11. Why do you think people usually travel?

People go on vacations for a break from their daily routines. They go on vacation to meet new people and engage in different cultures. Due to how tough it is to find time in today's busy lives, people also travel to spend time with their loved ones.


12. Why do you experience more noise when living in a tourist city?

I believe that increasing traffic brought on by tourists is the main cause. In addition, there are entertainment venues like clubs, theaters, shopping malls, and amusement parks that raise the noise level.


13. Do you think tourists can experience bad things in other countries?

In the beginning, there were undoubtedly numerous tourist-targeted frauds, particularly those involving high transportation costs. Tourists are more vulnerable to these frauds since they don't have a lot of local knowledge. Additionally, travelers could occasionally encounter racism.

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