Many people think that young people should follow traditions. Others argue that young people should be free to be individuals. Discuss both views and give your opinion.

It is argued whether traditions should be followed by the young generation or whether there should be no restrictions on youngsters. While sticking to the traditions can help save culture, I believe that we should not take culture into consideration in order to get better opportunities.

On the one hand, the major reason why the young generation ought to follow tradition is that it helps to save the culture. This is because culture and traditions represent the identity of people and the whole community. They teach people how to be responsible, both socially and personally. So, in order to keep such valuable lessons of living life that have been part of communication till now, following traditions is necessary. As a result, not only do societies become peaceful, but people also stay in touch with their culture. For example, despite having one of the most technically modernized societies, China is still culturally rich because of its citizens, who emphasize traditions. However, having a restriction-free life is better for cooperating with the modern world.
On the other hand, better opportunities can be grabbed by people who do not have boundaries imposed by traditions. It is obvious that increased competition in jobs and education forces people to go to other countries and areas in search of opportunities. So, if people are free to take decisions outside of any cultural and traditional boundaries, which cultures often preserve, they can lead themselves to a successful life by following their own decisions. For example, a recent report published by the BBC news channel revealed that people who are part of culturally free nations have a 40% higher success ratio in their lives.

In conclusion, even though staying in touch with traditions can save culture, I believe that it is far better for individuals to have freedom in order to achieve a successful life.

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