37. Describe a person you would like to study or work with

37. Describe a person you would like to study or work with

You should say:

Who is that person?

Why would you like to study with him or her?

What will you study?

Model Answer 1: 

I have to study for a very long time because I'm a student, and I really enjoy company when I'm studying.

And here I mention a person with whom I would like to study.


Who is that person:

I enjoy studying with my best friend Raman for a variety of reasons, but this is one of the main ones.

He is not just one of the smartest students in the class and my best buddy, but he also lives next door. As a result, we frequently gather in the evening after school to study for as long as we choose. 

Typically, we prefer to study at his house because there are no distractions and a designated study area where we can all sit and work together.


Why would you like to study with him or her:

The main reason I prefer to study with Raman is that he excels in mathematics, a subject in which I am a little poor, and I excel in science, so our strengths wonderfully complement one another.

We can study together and support one another's academic growth in this way. Another quality of Raman's is his intense focus.

In contrast to my other friends, who may be pretty distracting, he does not engage in unnecessary gossip while studying, and, at the same time, he never uses his phone when studying. 

In addition, Raman's father is a learned individual, so if we run into any difficulties when studying, we can easily contact him, and he is always eager to assist us and remove our concerns.


What will you study:

He actually enjoys reading books for pleasure, and his home even has a small library. We frequently use those books as references. 

Last but not least, his mother is always there to bring us coffee, snacks, or dried fruits to keep us energized when we study together for extended periods of time. With Raman, I always like studying.

Taking into account all of these facts, I must state that Raman is the person with whom I like studying, especially around exams when we study till midnight.

Overall, that is a person with whom I like to study.

Model Answer 2:

I prefer to learn from and work with people with whom I have close relationships and am comfortable. To get beneficial outcomes, we have to understand and coordinate many scenarios. Unbelievable outcomes can be reached if two people share similar interests.

And here I mention a person with whom I would like to study.


Who is that person:

I'm going to talk about Miss Jenny, who teaches me. She enjoys studying with me in my academic subjects, and her skills and knowledge are amazing.


Why would you like to study with him or her:

She was always very kind and gentle, which made me feel comfortable. She never gets angry and always maintains her self-control. We get lost in the world she generates in our minds as she tells us stories. She uses a variety of teaching methods and has strong communication abilities. In our classes, group projects are assigned to everyone. She supports group studying. She never showed streaming or created any sort of kindness toward anyone, in my observation. Her affection for her students was universal.


What will you study:

She is the one who helps me study all of my academic topics, especially math and English. We do revision together during exam season, which boosts my exam confidence.

Overall, that is a person with whom I like to study.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a person you would like to study or work with."


1. What types of people do you like to work with or study with? 

I prefer to study or work with smart, helpful, and cooperative individuals. Additionally, I hate procrastination, so I avoid working with those who ignore deadlines.


2. Do you think managers can be friends with their subordinates?

They can, yes. However, the subordinates must understand that such a friendship may suffer if it causes them to become lazy at work.


3. Which one is more important for you at work, development in work related skills or the recognitions from your supervisor?

For me, both are equally important. Gaining new skills at work is crucial for career advancement and promotion. I'm motivated to work even harder when my superiors acknowledge my efforts.


4. Should children be allowed to choose whom they want to sit with or should it be decided by the teacher? Should children be allowed to choose their classmates? 

In the primary classes, the teachers should make the decision because they are more aware of which students would benefit from sitting together. Children in senior courses can choose their own seats.


5. Should children be involved in the management activities of the school?

I think they ought to be. They become more confident and feel important. They can discuss their issues and work with the school administration to find solutions.


6. How should one behave in the office to get along well with others?

One should act politely. People should be cooperative and respectful toward one another. Other coworkers should not be made to feel uncomfortable.


7. Is it important for children in school to get along well with others?

Yes, it is important for children to get along with other individuals. Children who learn how to get along with their classmates in school will also learn how to get along with people later in life.


8. What kinds of people are popular at work?

I believe that people who handle situations with calm and without hurting themselves or others are in demand. People who can use humor to lighten the mood in high-stress situations are one example. People must be competent at the same time, or else they would feel as though they must put in extra effort to perform their duties.

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