35. Describe an unusual meal that you had

35. Describe an unusual meal that you had

You Should say:

When did you eat it?

Where did you eat it?

With whom did you have the meal?

Why do you think it was unusual?

We've all had meals that stick out in our memories. Some might, however, stick out more than others. I still vividly remember an unusual meal I had a few years ago. I'll always remember it as a singular event.


When did you eat it:

I had an unusual meal around three years ago. I was out with several buddies on a Saturday night. We had yet to visit a new restaurant in the region, but we had already made up our minds to try it. We all made the decision to attempt something new because we were feeling adventurous.


Where did you eat it:

The restaurant was about an hour away from my home in a little town. It was a small but well-liked restaurant that offered traditional dishes. The staff was helpful and pleasant, and the setting was cozy and welcoming.

We had an excellent view of the cooking area and the other customers because we were sitting close to the center of the restaurant.


With whom you had the meal:

At that moment, I was with three of my closest friends. We had been looking for a reason to get together because we were all close friends from high school.

The time was right to do so at this point. We all placed separate orders from the menu, which was filled with interesting and delicious foods.


Why do you think it was unusual:

The meal itself was unlike anything I had ever had. The presentation was creative and unique, and the flavors were superb.

The portions were large, and everything was prepared to perfection. We all felt full as we left the restaurant. I'll never forget the meal because it was wonderful.

Because it combined the ideal flavors, presentation, and atmosphere, this meal was unusual. I will always remember it because it was such a special event.

It was a wonderful chance for me to hang out with my friends and try something different. I'm thankful for having had such a wonderful and unique meal.

So, all in all, that was an unusual meal that I had.

Follow-up Questions 

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe an unusual meal that you had."


1. Do you think having dinner at home is a good idea?

Of course, yes. Food prepared at home is always healthier than food purchased at a restaurant. We use the highest-quality oils and spices at home according to taste. Before beginning cooking, we also properly wash the vegetables.


Absolutely yes. We feel the ties of family when we eat dinner together, and we make sure everyone has eaten. Dinnertime gatherings are common in my culture. We can even discuss the entire day if you like. Second, insisting on having dinner with family at home is better for your health than consuming too much food from restaurants.

2. Do young people like to spend time with their families or friends?

Because there is no age gap among friends, young people prefer to hang out with them more. There is a danger of miscommunication when they are among family. If parents are unfriendly, children will run away from them.


Most definitely. Young people love spending time with them both. Because they share similar interests and viewpoints, individuals feel more at ease among friends. In addition, they always put their family first when looking for direction or advice. Some young people have strong bonds with their relatives.


3. What do you think are the benefits of having dinner together?

Families that have dinner together have stronger bonds. The happenings of their day are discussed among them. Additionally, it has been observed that children are less likely to develop vices like drug and alcohol use when families share three to five meals a week.


4. Do you think people are less willing to cook meals by themselves these days, compared to the past?

Yes, people have started to earn more money and have become more career-oriented. People choose to eat out when their ability to spend increases.


5. What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating in restaurants?

The fact that you can skip cooking and cleaning is a big benefit of dining out. It allows you to spend time with loved ones and friends. You can sample foods and cuisines that you wouldn't typically prepare at home. The drawbacks include the potential for cost and health risks. Restaurant food is high in calories and saturated fats.


6. What fast foods are there in your country?

You can find hawkers selling fast food on every street in my nation. Pakora, Samosa, Pav Bhaji, Tikki, and Chole Bhature are examples of common fast dishes. In recent years, major cities and towns have seen the opening of multinational fast-food chains including McDonald's, Pizza Hut, Burger King, Subway, etc. Pizza, hamburgers, and fries are now common foods.


7. Do people eat fast food at home?

Without a doubt, fast food is consumed at home. Due to their busy schedules, people rarely cook. Ordering takeout or quick food delivery on the way home from work is quite convenient. Fast food might occasionally be more affordable than making a meal from hand at home.


8. Why do some people choose to eat out instead of ordering takeout?

People can connect and meet friends while enjoying eating out. Additionally, there is no line for takeout. They can go to a restaurant and relax there. Additionally, by the time you arrive home, food frequently turns cold.


9. Do people in your country socialize in restaurants? Why?

People in my nation do interact in restaurants. People can connect with friends and family and relax over a delicious meal.


10. Do people in your country value food culture?

Yes, an important component of our culture is food. Being a very diverse country, India has many different traditional foods, recipes, and cooking methods. People enjoy making regular handmade meals that they can share with their family.

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