43. Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted a gift your received

43. Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted a gift your received

You should say:

Who gave it to you?

What was the thing?

When did you receive it?

Why did you need it?

And explain how you felt about it.

Giving and receiving presents is quite common in today's world. We receive gifts on a variety of occasions, such as a birthday, a wedding ceremony, a festival, and so on. It always puts a smile on our faces when we get it.

I also receive many presents in my life. And here, I would like to talk about a time when my grandmother gave me a gift that I really wanted.



Who gave it to you:

That's when my grandmother gave me a unique gift I'd been wanting for a long time. I cherish her presence because she has always been a source of unconditional love and support.

She'd been living with us for a few years, and I'd always liked her for her wise ideas and kind nature. She had always been generous, but she had gone out of her way this time to make me feel special.



What was the thing:

A laptop was given to me as a present. I had desired a laptop for a long time but had been unable to buy one due to my financial situation.

My grandmother was aware of this and decided to surprise me with a laptop. She talked with my parents before purchasing the laptop, and they all agreed that it would be the perfect gift for me.



When you received it:

On my 17th birthday, I received the laptop. My grandma had given it to me as a birthday present. She had wrapped it in a box, and when I opened it, I was completely surprised. I couldn't stop thanking her because I was overwhelmed with joy and thankfulness.



Why you needed it:

I needed the laptop for my academics. I was in my senior year of high school and needed a laptop for schoolwork. I had been using my parents' laptop for assignments and projects, but I needed something more to keep up with the workload.

I had asked my parents for a laptop, but due to financial constraints, they were unable to buy one for me. My grandmother stepped in and decided to buy me a laptop.



How you felt about it:

When I received the laptop, I was happy. I couldn't believe my grandmother had gone out of her way to get me something I'd been wanting for a long time. I was overwhelmed with gratitude for her kind gesture, and I felt loved and respected.

I was also thankful to my parents for supporting my grandmother's decision and assisting me in obtaining something I required. 

So, all in all, that was a gift that I really wanted for a long time and that I received from my grandmother.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe when someone gave you something you really wanted as a gift you received."



1. What is the relationship between shopping and the economy in your country?

Shopping boosts the economy, and as the economy improves, people purchase more. As a result, both depend on each other.



2. What are the things young people like to buy?

Young people enjoy purchasing clothing, shoes, electrical devices, and a variety of other items.



3. How do your friends influence your shopping choices?

Items are suggested by friends. My friends are brand-obsessed. As a result, they keep an eye out for various offers from various branded stores. For example, there was recently a sale on Levi's jeans. When you bought one pair of jeans, you got two more for free. So we paid Rs. 3000 for one and received two for free. Each person simply had to pay Rs. 1000 for the Levi's jeans.



4. Is consumption important to a country?

Yes, consumption is essential to a country's economic growth and success. Customer demand leads to mass production and employment, which makes any company profitable. Overconsumption, on the other hand, can be harmful since it leads to a consumerist and materialistic society. It also has a negative impact on the ecosystem. As a result, people should draw a line in their use of consumer products that does not result in the aforementioned drawbacks or a throw-away society.



5. What should parents do when their children ask for things their friends have?

Parents should teach their children the distinction between needs and desires. Parents should also be open about affordability and family financial limitations so that their children become more responsible and do not expect things from their parents just due to peer pressure.



6. Why do people buy things that are not necessary?

Because of their materialistic behavior, people occasionally buy goods that are unnecessary. Peer or societal influences could also play a role. People will sometimes store items in the hope that they will need them in the future.



7. Should employees have their own goals?

I believe that having goals is important for people who wish to succeed in their careers. I believe that technology is causing quick changes in the workplace and that employees must constantly upgrade their skills in order to succeed.



8. How should bosses reward employees?

Employee retention is becoming increasingly important as turnover rates rise. It can be done in a variety of ways. For starters, monetary incentives depending on performance are possible. Furthermore, recognition can take the form of an employee of the month badge or a mention in the company newsletter or blog. Finally, I believe that one of the finest ways to reward employees is to provide time off from work, as employees are finding it increasingly difficult to achieve a work-life balance these days.



9. What kinds of gifts do young people like to receive?

I believe it actually varies from person to person, but if I were to generalize, I would say technical gadgets and clothing. I believe that young people's lives revolve around technology, so anything technologically oriented is praised.



10. How should children spend their allowance?

I believe that children should be free to make their own decisions based on their interests. For example, if they enjoy sports, they should be permitted to buy sporting goods. Parents should be strict and not give them extra money if they misuse their allowance.



11. Why do people like shopping more than in the past?

Growing materialism is one factor. Owning new items makes us happy. As a result, when something becomes old and loses its freshness, we tend to renew its charm by purchasing something new. Second, people have more disposable income than in the past, allowing them to buy a lot more than in the past.



12. Do you think shopping is good for a country’s economy?

Although there are certain disadvantages to excessive shopping, I believe it is useful in general. Shopping generates demand, which in turn generates jobs and industry expansion, benefiting the economy. Shopping, on the other hand, may raise society's debt, which is harmful.

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