45. Describe a development in your country like shopping center, park etcetera

45. Describe a development in your country like a shopping center, park, etcetera

You should say:

What is the development?

When did you hear about it? 

And explain how it influenced you.



Model Answer 1:

I think development in infrastructure is very essential for the progress of a nation, whether it is in any sector like healthcare, education, housing, etc. 

Today, I would like to talk about a recent development in my country that is related to the healthcare sector.



What is the development:

The development that I heard about is a new multi-specialty hospital in my city. This multi-specialty hospital is unlike any other in the area as it offers a wide range of specialized medical services, treatments, and procedures under one roof.

This hospital is equipped with a diverse team of healthcare professionals, advanced medical technology, and specialized departments to address a variety of medical conditions and patient needs.



When did you hear about it:

I heard about it through an advertisement that I saw in the newspaper. The advertisement was an interesting and creative way to spread the word about the new development.

I was immediately fascinated and wanted to learn more about the multi-specialty hospital and all it had to offer.



How did it influence you:

The advertisement for the new multi-specialty hospital had an interesting impact on me because, before this, there weren't many good medical facilities in my area, so anyone in need of care must go to other cities like Chandigarh, Delhi, Karnal, etc. Due to this delay, a lot of very ill patients occasionally experience lasting health harm.

I believe it is a good development for my city as well as for my country since everyone needs these treatments at some point in their lives, and if the facilities are close by, then everyone should receive quick care, recover quickly, and resume their normal lives.

So, all in all, that is a recent development that happened in my city.

Model Answer 2:

In this modern day, development is taking place in every corner of the globe.

However, today I am going to talk about a development that happened in my country.



What is the development:

A new shopping mall in my city is the development I've heard about. This shopping mall is unlike any other in the area, with a variety of stores, restaurants, and entertainment opportunities.

The shopping complex is a fantastic destination to shop, dine, and be entertained all in one convenient area.



When did you hear about it:

An advertisement in my city informed me about the new shopping center. The commercial was a funny and unique approach to spreading the word about the new development.

I immediately became interested and wanted to learn more about the shopping mall and its services.



How did it influence you:

My city's new shopping complex has had a unique impact on me. I was immediately attracted to the development after hearing about it through an advertisement and wanted to learn more about it.

The shopping complex is a wonderful destination to buy, eat, and be entertained all in one spot. I am eager to explore the new development and see what it has to offer.

So, all in all, that is a recent development that happened in my city.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a development in your country like a shopping center, park, etcetera."



1. What transportation do you use the most?

I use both public and private transportation, depending on my needs. When traveling large distances, I choose public transportation since it is safer to travel alone, while I use my personal vehicle for short trips because it is more convenient and saves time.



2. Is public transportation popular in India?

Yes, it is really popular in metropolises. The majority of people use Metro trains to escape traffic and save time and money. As people become more aware of environmental issues, they are encouraged to use public transportation. It is more convenient, fast, and reliable in cities.



3. What can be improved in public transport services?

When it comes to India, the list seems endless. It could be made more efficient and comfortable. It may also be made more environmentally friendly, and finally, the frequency should be increased, as many people have to wait a long time for the next bus or train.



In India, everything is developing at rocket speed. Public transportation should be made more convenient, faster, and more frequent, and new vehicles introduced. Every year, new routes should be added so that people can take full use of them.


4. What leisure facilities can be used by people of all ages?

People of diverse ages choose different activities, such as older people who like to hang out in gardens and have spiritual and religious talks and activities, as well as do a little exercise and play soft games. On the other hand, young people are more loud and adventurous. They prefer sports, movies, and hanging out with friends in new areas. They like to party hard.



5. Do you think young people in your country like to visit cinemas?

Yes, I think young people are very interested in watching movies at the cinema. However, the advent of OTT apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime, and Hulu has reduced their popularity to a certain extent.


Yes, young people love to watch movies; it is their favorite activity. They enjoy watching films with their buddies.


6. How is the subway system developing in your country?

It is rapidly expanding, particularly in big cities. It all began with Delhi a decade ago, and now almost every major city has a subway or underground railway system. The government is now proposing to build metros in Tier 2 cities as well.


In my country, infrastructure development is progressing well. Every megacity has a metro system, and authorities are expanding routes to connect different regions of cities. Subway is something that everyone wants in their city, hence it is growing quickly.

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