48. Describe a character from a movie

48. Describe a character from a movie.

You should say:

Who is this character?

When did you watch the movie?

What was the character?


Model Answer 1:

Well, it can be seen that the development of technology in the field of the film industry has given rise to many fascinating characters that humans never thought of, like super heroes, transformers, and many more.

Being a movie lover, I love enjoying different types of movies, including Bollywood and Hollywood, but the character that fascinated me the most is from a web series named Money Heist.



When did you watch this movie:

I watched this movie five months ago on the famous platform of online entertainment, Netflix.



Who is this character:

This movie portrays some of the biggest robberies, and the character that I liked the most is the professor. This character was played by the Spanish actor Alvaro Morte.



What was the character:

The professor plays an important role in the whole film, as he is the mastermind behind the planning of the robbery. Professor is a man of around 40 years old with lots of knowledge of science who guides his team during a robbery from a room.

He plans his first robbery in a mint where currency is printed, which is quite unusual because most thieves just run off with the cash, but he plans to print the currency in that mint by keeping the staff of the mint as hostages.

The most amazing thing about the character is that he always has a solution in advance if anything does not go according to plan.

At the end of the robbery, he planned to dig a tunnel to move the money and his team to the back. 

So, all in all, this was the character that made the film full of suspense and enjoyment.

Model Answer 2:

People love a wide range of movie genres, including action, thrillers, comedies, historical, mythological, and fiction. Movies remain a wonderful source of entertainment for the general public. Many students live to watch documentaries because they are excellent educational tools because they offer essential information in both audio and visual formats.



Who is this character:

Here I am going to talk about a fantastic character who is my favourite: Circuit, who is from the movie Munna Bhai MBBS. This character was played by the Indian actor Arshad Varsi. He is somewhat of a goon, but in a funny way. The chemistry between Sanjay Dutt and Arshad Warsi is unbelievable.



When did you watch this movie:

When I was in elementary school, I enjoyed watching this movie. It was a box office success at the time, and it received numerous honours for that film. Every Friday, when new movies were released, my friend and I went to the movies. I enjoyed seeing movies, and while I was living in a hostel, I watched every movie at a nearby single-screen theatre.



What was the character:

Sanjay Dutt and Arshad Warsi play the leads, and the characters are in supporting roles. The acting in Circuit was fantastic. He is incredibly hilarious and always there for his friend. He assists him without complaining. His delivery of the dialogue is outstanding. The audience is lured in by the actor's unique walking and talking style. I laughed aloud throughout every scene we had. 

So, all in all, this was the character that made the film more enjoyable.

Model Answer 3:

I enjoy watching movies a lot. And I've seen a lot of movies with interesting characters.



Who is this character:

However, here I would like to talk about Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, from the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU).



When did you watch this movie:

I initially saw "Iron Man" in 2008, and since then I've seen the character in several MCU movies.



What was the character:

Tony Stark is a multibillionaire industrialist and brilliant inventor who becomes the armoured hero Iron Man. He is portrayed as a charming and confident playboy, but he also has a strong sense of justice and a desire to use technology for the benefit of all. The character of Tony changes throughout the movies as he faces numerous difficulties, both local and worldwide, and develops into a more responsible and unselfish hero.

One of Tony Stark's distinctive characteristics is his wit and sarcasm, which contribute significantly to the humour in the movies. In addition, he is a hard and flawed character who battles his own ego as well as his duties as a hero and a member of the Avengers. Despite his flaws, Tony is a loyal companion and a selfless hero who is prepared to put his life in danger for the benefit of others.

Tony Stark has become one of the MCU's favourite characters, and the franchise has made much of its success from presenting his story. Robert Downey Jr., an actor well known for his depiction of Tony Stark, plays the part.

Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man, is a well-developed and well-written character who has won over fans in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He is a memorable and adored character in the franchise because he is a multifaceted and flawed hero with a quick wit and a strong sense of justice. 

So, all in all, this was the character.

Follow-up Questions
Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a character from a movie."
1. Is it fun to be an actor?
I don't think becoming an actor is fun because actors have to memorise lines, give auditions, and face rejections at the start of their careers. Being a successful actor requires a lot of hard work, dedication, and luck, just like any other career. However, once you become famous and successful, it is a rewarding career.
Absolutely yes, becoming an actor who entertains people is very exciting. And it's a form of expressive art. Many people today want to become actors in order to earn wealth and fame around the world.
2. What can children learn from acting?
I believe that acting can teach youngsters a lot. It boosts their confidence, teaches them how to work in a team, develops their public speaking skills and creativity, and can be a lot of fun.
Acting may teach kids both positive and negative lessons. If they are inspired by gray characters, it may have a negative impact on their personalities as they learn how to become varied artists. Acting is another way they learn how to express themselves.

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