47. Describe an object you find particularly beautiful (for example, a painting, sculpture, piece of jewelry or furniture, etc.)

47. Describe an object you find particularly beautiful (for example, a painting, sculpture, piece of jewelry, furniture, etc.)

You should say:

Where is the artwork or object?

How was it made?

What does it look like?

And explain why you find it particularly beautiful.



Model Answer 1:


India is a diverse country with a rich cultural history. There are certainly many things that are both amazing and priceless.

And here I would like to talk about an object that I found particularly beautiful.



Where is the artwork or project:

The item is a handcrafted, antique wooden mirror frame.

I vividly remember that on my 17th birthday, I received many gifts from my family and friends.

On that day, my grandmother gave me a wooden box. When I opened it, it had a beautiful mirror, which made me bold in blue. That gift was a priceless one for me, so when I got it, I felt like I had just entered the seventh heaven.



How was it made:

Due to the fact that my grandma gave it to me, I am unsure of how it was made.



What does it look like:

However, I still have that mirror, which I've hung on the doorwall of my bedroom. Because of its oval shape, the mirror enhances the beauty of my room.



Why you find it particularly beautiful:

Additionally, the wooden frame of this mirror is quite attractive. despite being decorated with lovely stones. Honestly speaking, it looks like the art of architecture.

Besides, this mirror is more than just something I use. Actually, it seems a lot like my grandmother is blessing me. I still want to take it with me whenever I go abroad for my college education, though.

As an art fan, I’ve collected many handicraft objects. Because of this, my friends frequently refer to me as a pack rat. But I believe I am aware of these objects' exact value. I use this mirror to see myself every day, and it makes me feel comfortable within. 

So, all in all, this is the object that I find particularly beautiful.




Model Answer 2:


There are many different types of furniture in my home that have been there for a very long time and serve a variety of roles.

And here I would like to talk about an object that I found particularly beautiful.



Where is the artwork or project:

The piece of furniture I'm referring to is a sizable computer desk that my family just recently purchased from a well-known national chain furniture store. Although it started out to serve as the family's computer desk, we now use it for almost everything, from eating afternoon snacks to ironing clothes. Needless to say, the L-shaped desk is sufficiently big to hold some of our home's most attractive flower pots as well as our large, old desktop.



How was it made:

To be more specific, the computer desk is a brownish, oak-tree-derived desk with perfectly well-rounded corners.



What does it look like:

All of its edges are very gently curved, giving the desk a generally more modern look. It is also very wide and deep, giving us plenty of space for both setting up a computer and performing the other tasks I mentioned before. By the way, the desk was originally rather expensive, but my family was able to get it at a reduced cost despite the fact that it can be disassembled and reassembled easily. In actuality, the desk only cost us a little over $150 CAD, and it also came with some gorgeous metal legs that we might use in the future.



Why you find it particularly beautiful:

I find this specific piece of furniture beautiful, mainly because it has a brand-new appearance and looks very shiny. In addition, the particular piece of furniture gives the room an excellent appearance by blending in perfectly and naturally with the other items. 

So, all in all, this is the object that I find particularly beautiful.




Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe an object you find particularly beautiful (for example, a painting, sculpture, piece of jewelry, furniture, etc.)."



1. Do you think there are more beautiful things now than in the past?

In my opinion, traditional paintings and sculptures are far more attractive. I believe that in the past, it was simpler for artists to find patrons in the form of monarchs and nobles, and they could focus on their art without financial concerns. However, it is much more difficult to make a living as an artist nowadays. Today's art reflects this as well; it is done more as an activity than a job, and the works created lag far behind those of the past.



No, I don't think things are more beautiful now than they were before because everything at that time was handmade and handcrafted; it had a long life, whereas today's items are not strong and they are not long-lasting. The things built in the past were extremely durable and were in use for many generations; however, the things made today have more functions and facilities but a much shorter lifespan when compared to the past.


2. Do you think there are many scenic spots in India, or are there many more in other countries?

In my opinion, India is one of the most diversified countries. It has everything: mountains, rivers, deserts, and beaches. It also has one of the most extensive cultural histories. So, I believe it will be difficult to beat India in this aspect. However, India is also one of the most densely inhabited and polluted countries in the world, and as a result, many scenic sites cannot compete with the pristine and untouched beauty found in some of the wealthier European and American countries.



3. Where do you think people usually come into contact with beautiful things?

People like to maintain attractive artifacts as showpieces in their homes and offices. They typically obtain them from décor shops in the mall.



When people go to places with museums and luxury art galleries, they come into contact with beautiful objects. These are some locations where they encounter items that are both extremely significant in history and valuable in terms of art.

4. Why do you think people create beautiful things?

Beautiful items are made by people to express their creativity. Some people also believe that art connects us to our spiritual nature. People can also connect with one another through art.


People have wonderful imaginations and artistic skills, which lead to the creation of beautiful things. They have the ability to reproduce on paper what is happening in their minds in real time. In the simplest terms, this is creativity. When someone has a vivid imagination, writes poetry, creates paintings, and sketches, among other talents, they are said to be gifted.

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