46. Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded

46. Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded at

You should say:

What was it?

How did you complete it?

Why was it difficult? 

And how did you feel about doing it?




Model Answer 1:

Everyone experiences difficulty when starting something new for the first time. Challenges keep life interesting and strengthen a person. When one achieves success after overcoming many obstacles, it is like tasting heaven on earth.

And here I would like to talk about a time when I did something difficult that I succeeded at.



What was it:

The most challenging thing was swimming.

Since my childhood, I have been afraid of the water, so my parents, school, and friends all recommended that I take swimming lessons. I tried to swim in my childhood, and I drowned. So water has become the biggest fear of my life.



Why was it difficult:

I found it difficult mainly because I suffer from a water phobia, which makes entering water quite challenging. Actually, I wanted someone who could provide good counseling and help me overcome my fear of water. Mr. Goyal, my coach, got it. In aquatic sports, he excels. Today, thanks to his assistance, I am able to swim, scuba dive, and go deep underwater.



How did you complete it:

As time went on, I saw my friends doing swimming and watersports, which motivated me to train with an expert coach. I began swimming every day at a sports complex close to my house. I didn't miss a day, and with consistent practice, I was able to learn how to swim and overcome my phobia completely.



How did you feel about doing it:

Learning to swim has made me feel wonderful because it is the best exercise for the entire body. After learning, I took a vacation at the beach, where I went swimming and surfing. While surfing, I could truly feel the waves and the depth of the water. My body had an adrenaline rush. I had no worry at all because I felt so good about my swimming abilities.

So, all in all, this was the most difficult thing that I did and succeeded at.



Model Answer 2:

I have done so many things in my life that I found difficult in the beginning, but with practice, they became easy.

And here I would like to talk about a time when I did something difficult that I succeeded at.



What was it:

Actually, the difficult thing was driving a car in a city with a large crowd.

I vividly remember last year's during my summer break when I was taking driving lessons from my father because he is a talented driver. So in a couple of days, I was able to drive a car in a local area in my hometown.



Why was it difficult:

But I never drove in a city because I believed it would be difficult for me to drive a car in a busy place.

I remember a time when my father wasn't at home and my grandmother’s condition was quite serious because she is a patient with high blood pressure.



How did you feel about doing it:

I felt anxious at the time because I had limited experience regarding driving; I had never driven a car in a crowded place, and it was difficult for me to get her to the hospital on my two-wheeler due to her age-related illness.



How did you complete it:

Therefore, I had to start a car to take her to the hospital. That was the first time I had driven a car in a city, and I had also just saved my grandmother's life. Honesty speaking, my father was incredibly proud of me and loved that I did.

Despite the sad situation, I was able to overcome my phobia of driving in a crowded location and save my grandmother's life; thus, it was a win-win situation for me. I'm now comfortable driving a car in hilly areas as well. 

So, all in all, this was the most difficult thing that I did and succeeded at.




Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a difficult thing you did and succeeded at."



1. What kinds of jobs require people to be confident?

I believe that all jobs need some level of confidence, but those that involve dealing with clients require far more. For example, if a salesperson lacks confidence, he or she will be unable to convince buyers about the goods he or she is trying to sell.



2. On what occasions should children be encouraged? How?

I believe that youngsters should be encouraged when they are hesitant to do something good for themselves. However, the encouragement should be limited; they should not feel as if anything is being forced upon them. For example, if youngsters show an interest in learning something creative, such as painting, we might encourage them to do so. To further encourage them, parents might take children to a museum where they can further develop their interest.



3. How do you help children stay focused?

Children can be helped in a variety of ways. To begin with, one can offer them a distraction-free environment, such as when they are studying and shouldn't be allowed to use cellphones. Another technique to help children focus is to teach them about meditation, which requires them to concentrate on their breath or a single sound.






I do a lot of things to keep kids attentive. I particularly inspire them by lecturing them about successful people and their challenges in life. Along with this, I show them some focus-enhancing yoga and meditation exercises.



4. What challenges do young people face today?

Well, I believe there are two major issues that today's youth face. The first is about the mind and mental health; everyone is aware of the rise in depression and suicide instances among young people these days. Another problem they encounter is the increased competitiveness in their educational or professional lives.






Young people today face many difficulties, in part because of the large population. As a result, young people in my nation face a lot of competition with other young people, and every field is getting overrun with people. Another issue is how calm individuals are becoming as a result of technology.


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