52. Describe a rule you like to follow

52. Describe a rule you like to follow

You should say:

What is the rule?

Why do you like to follow this rule?

Who imposed this rule?

How does this rule help you?

How do you feel about this rule?



Model Answer 1:


Well, following rules plays a significant part in the working of nations and societies all over the globe, and owing to this, people have to follow many rules and regulations imposed by the government.



What is the rule:

I also follow some important rules in my daily life, but the rule that I personally like to follow is to spend less than you make.



Why do you like to follow this rule:

Actually, three to four years ago, when I was in school, I had the habit of spending all my money on buying some of my favorite stuff, like clothes, shoes, and electronic items. As I am a student, the only source of money for me is my parents, or sometimes I get money in the form of gifts from relatives on my birthdays. Instead of saving that money, I used to spend it immediately. As I remember, when I was in 12th grade, I faced a situation where I needed money for something important, but due to my habit of spending a lot, I did not have enough savings. At the moment, I realize the value of saving money.



How does this rule help you:

When I asked my parents for money, they refused to give me money as I had already taken pocket money that month. After that incident, I decided to change my habit, and for that, I watched some videos on YouTube. I came across a very useful video in which they said, Do not buy a thing unless you have money to buy it three times.

I implemented that rule in my life, and I actually started to see major cost savings. Now, whenever I need to buy anything, I first prefer to check my budget, and if I have three times more money than the actual price of the object, I only purchase it. Due to this, I always have enough money in my account, and in case of emergency, I am able to utilize it.



How do you feel about this rule:

So, having this rule in my life makes me a disciplined and responsible person. 

So, all in all, that was a rule that I like to follow.

Model Answer 2:

There are hundreds of rules that we have to follow, yet most of the time we don't feel like obeying them because doing so feels more like an obligation.

Here, I would like to talk about one rule that I follow wholeheartedly and that I find to be the most enjoyable.



What is the rule:

This particular rule is ‘NOT TO LITTER’ in public places.

It's sad that India, where I'm from, is one of the dirtiest nations in the world. The country isn't genuinely unclean; rather, people take a rather casual attitude toward keeping things clean, especially in public areas.

They don't think twice about discarding trash wherever they choose, whether they go to any public space, such as parks or gardens, or take public transportation.



Why do you like to follow this rule:

It's sad that India, where I'm from, is one of the dirtiest nations in the world. The country isn't genuinely unclean; rather, people take a rather casual attitude toward keeping things clean, especially in public areas. They don't think twice about discarding trash wherever they choose, whether they go to any public space, such as parks or gardens, or take public transportation. Empty plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and chip bags are frequently seen, which demonstrates that these rules are not being followed at all.

But I always make an effort to follow it, which is why I carry a plastic bag with me every time I go anywhere in public or travel. This will prevent me from having to litter if I consume candy or drink a cold beverage. I store the trash in the plastic bag, and whenever I can or see a trashcan nearby, I properly dispose of it.

In fact, if I see an empty can or plastic bag in a public park, I don't think twice about picking it up and throwing it away properly.



Who imposed this rule:

I sometimes come across people who are so careless that they simply throw their trash anywhere they choose. I purposely pick up the trash right in front of them and properly dispose of it, which frequently embarrasses them as well.

The Indian government is making great efforts to make the country clean, and I believe that everyone has a responsibility to do what they can to help. I constantly make an effort to keep my surroundings tidy for this reason.

In my city, an NGO actually organizes programs to promote cleanliness, and I always take part as a volunteer.



How do you feel about this rule:

However, I must admit that this law is not significantly enforced at all. If someone breaks this restriction in a public place, they must face a fine of Rs. 1000. We don't see anyone obeying this guideline for this reason.

Therefore, I would really like to see if the government will enforce this law seriously in the future and if others will also take responsibility for it, just as I do and fully abide by it.

So, all in all, that was a rule that I like to follow.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a rule you like to follow."



1. Why do schools make rules?

There are a number of factors that contribute to the definition of the vice struggle that educational institutions create regulations for. Education systems come first. Making Pancho for their children helps them teach them moral principles. Wearing. Students who wear uniforms can lessen or perhaps erase the gap between the wealthy and the poor. In addition, following the schedule in class encourages students to be punctual and do their work on schedule. Due to these factors, schools make rules.



2. What’s the importance of obeying the law?

Well, from my viewpoint, When someone follows a rule, they are thinking and learning.



3. Is it a good thing to break the rules sometimes?

Yes, in my opinion, breaking the law is a positive thing since it helps to shape who we are. Regulations can sometimes bind us. Additionally, it is not always useful. Additionally, some individuals like breaking the law because they do. Because it kicked them and because breaking it is necessary.



4. Why do some people say that rules are made to be broken?

There are various causes behind the notion that certain people are calm. They first believe that the regulations are unfair. Not for them, or they'll compromise their liberty. Additionally, children discover that rules, such as those in schools, simply serve to restrict them and weaken them. There is a rule about starting our lectures or showing up to all of the lessons. But since everyone has their own interests, it does not need to disappear.



5. Do you think it is necessary for children to wear school uniforms?

For children, wearing school uniforms is important, in my opinion. Since wearing a school uniform makes it easier to acquire fundamental skills, it is a symbol of equity. Similarly, dress nicely. Making the arms more capable of supporting wear to be on time and clean. Children should wear school uniforms, in my opinion, for the reasons listed above.



6. Are the rules at school good or bad? Why?

Well, it’s a panda for the person, the person. Some individuals find rules It indicated something crucial. Others consider it to be only a formality. For instance, everyone must pay in schools, which is a bad law. Everyone is required to pay to attend the carnival or one of the events. But they also steal a lot of money from us in addition to doing that. Why then? Why are we required to pay? It is a quotient that is reached by everybody. Additionally, there are a few helpful guidelines, like being on time, dressing nicely, and following the polling schedule.



7. How are people punished when parking at the wrong spot?

If I'm not wrong, there are two ways that individuals can be penalized in my nation. both ways. The authorities will do it first. They informed them of their vehicle, and it was taken into their possession. And they must travel to or appear at a specific location, pay a fee, and receive their vehicle back. Additionally, in many nations, there are additional regulations relating to individuals, police, or even Kadda or Pulse Khada. And they assessed them a fine. Therefore, when individuals park in an improper place, they suffer the consequences.

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