7. Talk about a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam

7. Talk about a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam

You should say:

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

How long were you in the traffic jam?

What did you do while waiting?

And Explain how you felt when you were stuck in a traffic jam.

Model Answer 1:

Well, being an inhabitant of the world, India is one of the most populated nations. I often see and face a crowd of people and vehicles everywhere I go. I have encountered traffic jams a lot of times in my life.

But here, I would like to talk about a time when I was stuck in a traffic jam for a long time, which bothered me a lot.


When it happened:

About 2 years ago


Where it happened:

After completing my senior secondary education, I and my friends decided to go on a trip to the hill station of Shimla.

As it was going to be our first trip without our parents, we planned every important thing about the trip, like accommodation, budget, and the safest and shortest path to reach our destination.

On the day of the journey, we had a good start, and everything was going well until we reached the highway that led to Shimla. There, I saw that the highway was jam-packed with vehicles.

Then one of my friends asked a person about the reason for it. Then he told us that this was due to the mountain landslide. It will take the authorities about an hour and a half to clear the road.


How long were you in the traffic jam:

When we heard this news, our enthusiasm regarding the journey decreased, and we had to wait about 2 hours in the traffic jam.


What you did while waiting:

As we had to wait for a long time, we gossiped with each other, and I listened to music, which is my favourite free time activity as well.


How did you feel when you were stuck in a jam:

I really felt bored at that time, but after clearing the traffic jam, we again continued our journey and reached our destination. Despite getting stuck in a jam, it was a nice journey.

So, all in all, that was a time when I was stuck in a traffic jam.

Model Answer 2:

Traffic jams are common, particularly in large cities where people spend a lot of time.

But here, I would like to talk about a time when I was stuck in a traffic jam for a long time, which bothered me a lot.


When it happened and where it happened:

I'll describe a recent incident where I got stuck for a significant period of time. Actually, a weekend was organised by my friend and me. On the weekend, we made the decision to visit Ludhiana and have a great time. We planned to go shopping, see a movie at the theatre, eat dinner out, and then return home. We planned to take the bus, and I was also very happy about it. When my buddy called to say that the programme had been cancelled for some reason the next morning as I was waiting for the bus, I made the decision to travel alone. I clearly recall that it was a very warm day when I entered the non-air-conditioned bus. Even though it was jam-packed, I managed to get a seat, but the ride was uncomfortable. The bus unexpectedly stopped after roughly 30 minutes. 


How long were you in the traffic jam, and what did you do while waiting:

There was an excess of traffic and enormous congestion. The bus driver turned off the engine and stepped outside to ask. It was quite challenging to pass the time on this bus while waiting. So I made the decision to either play a phone game or listen to music. I had just been gone for 15 to 20 minutes when my phone's battery died. We discovered that the traffic block was caused by a road accident in the meantime, and it may be a while before the police allow the vehicles to go.


How did you feel when you were stuck in a jam:

I reached the limit of my patience and decided to get off the bus and catch a bus travelling in the opposite direction because I couldn't stand continuous honking and dangerous emissions from other vehicles any longer. 

I did make it home after wasting four hours, and I was quite irritated since the traffic congestion absolutely destroyed my weekend.

So, all in all, that was a time when I was stuck in a traffic jam.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Talk about a time when you were stuck in a traffic jam."


1. Are traffic jams common in Indian cities?

In truth, due to its large population, India frequently experiences traffic congestion, particularly in major cities like Delhi, Bombay, Chennai, and Kokatta. Additionally, India has a horrible habit of leaving automobiles parked on the road, which limits the amount of parking space available and causes traffic.


2. Why are cities today facing serious traffic issues?

I believe that growing urbanisation is the primary cause of major traffic problems. To improve their quality of life, more and more people are relocating to cities, yet this results in an increase in the number of automobiles on the roads. In addition, some older cities have congested roads since they weren't planned with automobile usage in mind. These congested roadways' limited width affects the flow of traffic.


3. What can be done to improve traffic conditions in cities?

First, I believe that by improving the comfort and speed of public transportation, the government can encourage its use. For instance, since the Delhi Metro's opening, the city's traffic conditions have significantly improved. In order to accommodate more automobiles, it is also necessary to widen the roadways as much as possible.


4. Can developing public transport help resolve traffic issues in cities?

If it is quick and comfortable, I believe that public transportation may help with traffic problems. Local trains had been available in Delhi for a while, but because they were slow, people did not like them. However, the relatively quick and pleasant Delhi metro's construction significantly reduced traffic.

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