44. Describe a friend you like to talk with

44. Describe a friend you like to talk with

You should say:

Who is he or she?

What do you like to talk about?

Why do you like to talk with him or her?

And explain how you feel about him or her.

Model Answer 1:

As an extrovert, I enjoy interacting with others.

Despite having a large number of friends, Here, I would like to talk about my friend, who is very special to me, and I like to talk with him the most.



Who is he or she:

Alexander is his name. He is one of those individuals who simply has a skill with words and can add interest to any conversation.



What do you like to talk about:

We like to talk about a wide range of topics. We occasionally talk about current affairs or offer our opinions on recent films or books. Sometimes we just talk about what's going on and our daily lives.



Why do you like to talk with him or her:

I enjoy talking to Alexander, as he is such an attentive listener. He always listens to what I have to say and responds thoughtfully. He also has a fantastic sense of humor and is always able to make me laugh.

When I talk to Alexandra, I feel free to be myself. I'm not afraid of being judged or misunderstood. It's just a relaxing and enjoyable conversation.



How you felt about him or her:

One of the things I like most about Alexander is his ability to look at things from multiple perspectives. He's always open to new ideas and prepared to consider them. This makes our conversations interesting because we may delve deeper into different topics.

Alexander is also very helpful. He's always there to listen and offer words of support when I'm going through a challenging time. Having someone like that in my life means a lot.

Alexander is not only a great listener and a supportive buddy, but he is also incredibly knowledgeable. He has a wide range of interests and is constantly learning new things. This means that our discussions are never dull because there is always something new to discuss.

I consider myself very lucky to have a friend like Alexander. He's someone I can always count on for good laughter and good conversation. It's wonderful to have people like that in my life.

So, all in all, that is a friend with whom I like to talk.

Model Answer 2:

Talking with friends is always enjoyable and, at times, motivating. True friends are always there for each other. We enjoy discussing business, health, politics, financial management, and economics with our friends. We never hesitate to speak with them since we know they will always be there for us. We enjoy talking with them because they are the first people we trust after our family.

Here, I would like to talk about my friend, who is very special to me, and I like to talk with her the most.



Who is he or she:

Jennifer and I have known each other since we were children. In fact, she has been the first person with whom I have felt comfortable sharing everything that has happened in my life since I was a child. I was a naughty boy, and she was the most sincere girl in the area, but we became great friends for life.



What do you like to talk about:

We discuss almost every topic, including sports, health, relationships, money management, stock investing, and real estate. Today, our topics have changed, but childhood was filled with discussions about homework and things we shared. Whenever I require guidance, I go to her and discuss it without hesitation. She is an investment banker; therefore, she provides me with a lot of financial guidance, which assists me in running my business.



Why do you like to talk with him or her:

I enjoy talking with her since I know she will understand the situation I'm in. I've trusted her since I was a child, and I know she always offers me the best advice. I also assist her with everything she requires. We are each other's solid pillars. We have a wonderful and unbreakable friendship.



How you felt about him or her:

I appreciate having a friend like her with whom I can spend the entire day discussing She is such an extrovert that she has strong opinions about a variety of topics. She believes in helping people in need and older people. She is well known in our community for her kindness.

So, all in all, that is a friend with whom I like to talk.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe a friend you like to talk with."



1. Where do young people like to meet?

Young people like to meet in a variety of places, such as cafes, playgrounds, sports clubs, and cinema halls, and they enjoy doing various things together, particularly in game zones and cafés. In these places, the youth enjoy talking and playing games with one another.



2. What do young people talk about when they meet up?

Young people, in my opinion, tend to discuss clothing, movies, fashion, sports, and technology. They also discuss their love interests.


Young people like talking about a variety of topics, particularly their academics and sports. Because young people are interested in technology and science, when they get together, they discuss the latest gadgets and technological products, as well as sports and celebrities. They are heavily inspired by celebrities and athletes. Today, businessmen have attracted the youth with their business talents, so there are people who enjoy discussing the world's top businessmen.



3. Do you think people should be honest when talking with friends?

Yes, people should be truthful when conversing with their friends. Honesty strengthens relationships, and if a person is not honest, there will always be a gap in a relationship, thus when they are conversing with their friends, they should always be honest and true to their friends.



4. On what occasions do people talk with strangers?

Every day, people converse with strangers. Personally, when I used to take a public bus to school, I primarily conversed with strangers. These days, parties are when I talk to strangers the most.


People converse to strangers on a variety of circumstances, such as when they visit a tourist attraction to plan future activities or when they travel to another country for work or other reasons. They have the opportunity to interact with strangers while traveling or in another nation, and they use this time to discuss about their own country, their likes and dislikes, and to build new relationships. 


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