49. Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young

49. Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young

You should say:

What it was?

Where did you do it?

With whom do you do this activity?

And explain why you enjoyed it.

Model Answer 1:


Well, no one can deny the fact that childhood is the most enjoyable period of human life because there are fewer responsibilities and more free time, and children have fun playing lots of games like cricket, football, hide and seek, and many more.

And today, I would like to talk about an activity that I enjoyed in my free time when I was young.



What it was:

I feel lucky to have had a very memorable and amusing childhood in which I enjoyed a lot of activities, and the activity that I enjoyed the most was swimming.



Where did you do it:

I started this activity at the age of 8, when a swimming pool opened in my locality. That pool was the first place to enjoy water activities, so the opening of the pool attracted the attention of a lot of people in my area, including adults and children. The name of the pool was Water World, and a ticket or pass was required to enter that pool.



With whom do you do this activity:

I did not have the skill to swim, so my father enrolled me in swimming classes. I used to attend swimming classes during the weekends with my friends in the neighborhood.



Why you enjoyed it:

When I learned some basic swimming, I started to enjoy it. I and my friends used to race in the swimming pool. Apart from that, we also used to challenge others to hold their breath under water for the maximum amount of time. During summer vacations, I used to spend the most time of the day on this activity. Learning to swim not only provided me with enjoyment but also gave me a very useful skill for life.

So, all in all, that was an activity that I enjoyed in my free time during my childhood.

Model Answer 2:


Well, there are several freetime activities that I used to do when I was younger, such as playing football, chess, swimming, hide and seek, watching TV, and so on.

And today, I would like to talk about an activity that I enjoyed in my free time when I was young.



What it was:

It was about playing football. When I was in elementary school, I used to watch football on television with my father. At that time, I found an interest in football and began to play.



Where did you do it:

I started playing football when I was in 6th grade. I remember I used to play football at Model Town Ground, which is a famous ground for outdoor activities.



With whom do you do this activity:

I used to play with boys in the neighbourhood and with my classmates. We divided into two teams with six players each. I still clearly recall naming the teams: the Buffalo Bills and the Green Bay Packers. In addition, we used to play for 2 to 3 hours after school all over the week and for 5 to 6 hours on the weekends. Further, I have competed in numerous football-related school events and represented my school at the national level.



Why you enjoyed it:

Surprisingly, I led the school's football team as captain. I learned leadership skills from this game as well. I did, however, get a lot of injuries while playing football. But at the time, I recall having a great time. I can't play because of my busy schedule, but whenever I have free time, I watch live football matches on television.

When I watch football matches on television, it brings back wonderful memories of my early years.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe an activity you enjoyed in your free time when you were young."


1. What do people in your country like to do when they are free?

People do a variety of things in their spare time; most of them enjoy gossiping with one another or communicating with friends and family via mobile phones. Nowadays, most people listen to music or watch movies on their phones whenever they have free time.



2. Do you think parents should make plans for their children?

Yes, parents should prepare plans for their children because if they are left alone, they will become bored and may cause trouble for others. Also, if their parents plan their time well, their children can learn a lot.



3. Do you think most people are able to manage their free time?

I believe that because most individuals have so little spare time these days, they do not consider how to manage it. Everyone is extremely busy these days, and people rarely have time to relax, so when they do have free time, they prefer to do nothing.



4. What is the difference between the things people did in their free time in the past and the things they do nowadays?

In the past, there was no technology, so people generally gossiped in their spare time. Nowadays, people have access to plenty of gadgets that keep them busy in their spare time.



5. Is it important to have a break during work or study?

Definitely. I think our minds can only focus on anything for a short period of time before becoming distracted. We lose our ability to concentrate without a break, which impacts our productivity.



6. What kind of sports do young people like to play nowadays?

Children participate in the same sports as in the past, such as cricket, football, soccer, hockey, and so on. However, today's youth play fewer sports than in the past because they prefer computer activities.



7. Are there more activities for young people now than 20 years ago?

Yes, without a doubt. I believe that the Internet has opened up a plethora of new opportunities. For example, today's youth can play electronic games with their friends online and spend time on social media. Even in traditional activities such as chess, kids can now play with a large number of people online, which was not before possible.



8. Can most people achieve work-life balance in India? 

On the contrary, I feel that very few people are capable of doing so. People are finding it difficult to find time for their loved ones due to increased competition and extended working hours.



9. Do people have enough time for leisure activities nowadays? 

No, I don't believe so. People have less time for leisure activities as their familial duties grow as a result of nuclear families and extended working hours. People's lives are becoming increasingly stressful as a result of a shortage of time.

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