10. Describe something you received for free

10. Describe something you received for free

You should say:

What was it?

When did you receive it for?

Who have you received it from?

And Explain how you feel about it.


Model Answer 1:

It is human nature for a person to feel happy and excited whenever he gets something for free.


What it was:

Today, I would like to share my experience when I received a neckband for free along with a new phone that I purchased from the store.


When you received it for:

About a couple of months ago, I went to the nearest MI store to buy a new Android phone.


Who you received it from:

When I entered the store, the receptionist was very kind and warmly welcomed me. She asked me about my budget and preferences. Accordingly, she was showing all the samples. At first, I was a little bit confused because all the models looked awesome and I could not decide which one to buy. 

Finally, after spending a lot of time, I chose the one that cost me around 25,000 rupees. And it was a Note 10 Pro model from Redmi that not only looked awesome but also had a lot of features.

To my surprise, the owner told me that I had received a free black neckband with it.

He told me that it was a gesture of goodwill to enhance the customer experience, so on every purchase worth more than 20,000 rupees, they gift a free neckband.


How you felt about it:

I was so happy to receive it, as I saved a big amount on it. Being a music lover, I love that neckband as it has noise cancellation and the sound quality is quite refined. I really enjoy listening to music on a daily basis with my neckband on.

So, all in all, that was a time when I received something free.

Model Answer 2:

A person's natural reaction whenever he receives anything for nothing is to feel joyful and pleased. Despite not being extremely lucky, I recently received a present.


What it was:

A two-night and three-day vacation at a luxurious hotel in Mussorie's mountains was the present.


When you received it for:

It was sent to me via MakeMyTrip.com.


Who you received it from:

I went shopping at Elante Mall the previous year. At that moment, a man came up to me and requested that I fill out a form in exchange for a lucky draw voucher.

I filled out the form even though I was hesitant to do so. I soon received an email from MakeMyTrip.com inviting me to do a presentation.

When I arrived at the location of the presentation, the concerned executive gave me gift certificates for two nights and three days.


How you felt about it:

I was over the moon when I opened the box, since my wish to vacation at a five-star resort had come true.

I made the reservation right away and headed straight towards Mussorie. The resort included every amenity, including a pool table, snooker table, steam room, and sauna. There, I made a few friends and had a wonderful time.

Additionally, the resort hosts a cultural programme every evening to keep visitors entertained. I participated in the folk singing and dancing contest. I also used a ball-throwing device to play cricket.

Inside the resort, the service was first-rate. The staff did everything possible to make my stay comfortable.

I was treated like a king by the resort's staff because of their warmth.

So, all in all, that was a time when I received something free.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe something you received for free."

1. Do you think people should pay for higher education? Why?

I firmly believe that individuals ought to pay the bill for their own higher education. I believe that people should only pursue higher education if they are really interested in doing so. When we pay for anything, we only engage in it when we truly want to. In addition, I believe that the government ought to offer low-income students loans and scholarships to prevent them from dropping out of school for lack of funds.


2. Is it good or bad for people to have a free education in the future?

I agree that basic education should be free since everyone should have access to it, but I believe that higher education should be covered by the students' own funds. Actually, I don't believe that the government can afford to pay for everyone's higher education.


3. What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?

I believe that businesses in India present clients with tiny gifts like pencils, calendars, glasses, etc. Although they are free presents for clients, they also serve as a sort of commercial advertisement. Then there are promotions like buy one, get one free, which are technically gifts but are accounted for in the prices so that the business continues to make money.


4. Why do customers like to receive free gifts from companies?

In my opinion, getting something for nothing is the best feeling there is. Simply put, when we receive something for nothing, we feel lucky. When we purchase anything, we frequently consider whether we might have found something better for the same price or whether we were taken advantage of, but when we receive something for free, we believe that there is nothing better than getting something for nothing.


5. Does giving consumers free presents actually increase the company's profits?

Because when they offer free gifts, if the present is actually worth the goods or if it really appeals to the consumer, the customer will buy the product, believing it to be advantageous. This can sometimes result in a profit for the firm, and other times it can result in a loss.


6. What approach did businesses use, even for free gifts?

Have you noticed that the free gifts that businesses provide to clients are almost exclusively home items that appeal to women and children? They give out presents like colorful toys, kitchenware, or food, among other things. If they include toys, children will pressure their parents to purchase the item just to get the toy. For instance, Kinder Joy, a type of chocolate, costs $30, but most children only purchase it for the miniature toy that comes in the package as a free gift.

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