14. Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

14. Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted

You should say:-

When have you visited?

Where is the place?

Why was the air so bad?

And explain how you felt about the place.

We all know that air pollution is an increasingly serious problem in many parts of the world today, and it is very difficult to find a place where the air is not polluted. 

Although I have visited so many places in my life, I would like to talk about my experience visiting a place where the air was polluted beyond acceptable limits.

When you visited:

About a couple of months ago


Where the place is:

My great-uncle invited all of my family members to celebrate his son's 5th birthday in Delhi, the capital of India. So we came there to celebrate my birthday. We really enjoyed it.

After celebrating the birthday, the next day my uncle took us to many different places, such as India Gate, the Red Fort, Sarojini Market, and so on.

But, besides visiting these places, he also took us to his shoe factory in Madipur, which is located on the outskirts of Delhi.


Why the air was not good:

When I visited there, the air was so polluted, and there were two basic reasons why it was so polluted.

First and foremost is the number of running vehicles; as it was on the main road, there was continuous running of vehicles, which emit toxic substances in the air.

And the second one is industrialization, as it is an industrial area and the chimneys were not present at the height that polluted the air.


How you felt about the place:

After spending some time there, I felt bad and decided to quit, as it was harmful to my health and I could hardly breathe. I was also very concerned about the health of the people living in the city, as they had to deal with this pollution daily.

And I thought that the government should impose some strict rules and regulations in order to reduce pollution, such as by laying down an odd-even system, setting norms regarding the height of the chimneys of the factories, etc.

So, all in all, that was a place I visited where the air was polluted.

Follow-up Questions

Here are some samples of other questions the examiner could make regarding the cue card during your third speaking section: "Describe a place you visited where the air was polluted."


1. Is there more pollution now than in the past?

Yes, as compared to the past, there is more pollution now. The major reason for this is industrialization, as new industries are opening every day, and the second is that the number of running vehicles on the road is increasing day by day, which emit harmful substances in the air like carbon dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc. and lead to pollution in the air. Furthermore, the widespread use of fossil fuels for energy production, transportation, and other purposes has added to the problem. So all this development is leading to more pollution now than in the past.


2. In what ways can air pollution be reduced effectively?

There are a plethora of ways to reduce air pollution effectively.

First and foremost, the government can impose strict rules and regulations for effluent treatment and promote public transportation among the public.

Secondly, encouraging the use of alternative forms of energy such as wind and solar power also helps reduce air pollution.

Last but not least, it is not only the problem of the government but also the people, as they can use environmentally friendly products, conserve energy, and reduce the use of fossil fuels.


3. Do you think the city is cleaner or dirtier than the countryside? Why?

Well, undoubtedly, rural or suburban areas are cleaner than urban areas. The main reason is that all the development is industrialization, as new industries are opening in the cities, and they do not obey the rules and regulations laid out by the government. Another reason is that, in comparison to rural areas, the population of cities is higher. So, more vehicles are in urban areas, which is also adding to the pollution. These not only cause air pollution but also noise pollution in cities as well. So for all these reasons, I feel that cities are more polluted than the countryside.


4. What can factories and power plants do to reduce pollutants?

Factories and power plants can reduce pollution in several ways.

The first thing they can do is follow the standards laid down by the government. For example, if the factory has a chimney, the height of the chimney is increased according to government regulations.

Secondly, they should use eco-friendly equipment as well as renovate the old equipment on time.

Last but not least, new industries should start with alternative sources of energy like wind energy and solar energy, whereas older ones can switch to alternative sources of energy.

In these ways, factories and power plants may help reduce pollution.


5. Do you think many companies have been forced to reduce pollutants?

Yes, I feel companies have been forced to reduce pollutants because it is far more important and beneficial to protect the environment and humans. Besides this, lawmakers also laid down penalties on those companies that do not follow rules and regulations. But, unfortunately, these companies find loopholes to escape these penalties, and so the steps taken by the government are not very effective. And when companies pay fines, they start thinking that now they have a right to cause pollution.


6. Do you think the wind has any effect on pollution?

Yes, I think the wind can play a role in reducing air pollution by helping to disperse pollutants and move them away from populated areas. That is why, despite the high automobile population, Chennai has less pollution than Delhi. This is because the sea breeze provides an effective entry and exit for dispersing pollutants. Delhi is landlocked, so pollution accumulates there only.

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