21. Describe an area in your home where you feel relaxed

21. Describe an area in your home where you feel relaxed

You should say:

In which area or room do you feel relaxed?

Why do you feel relaxed there?

What do you do to feel relaxed?

Model Answer 1:

It is undeniable that life is becoming more and more stressful day by day. So, I think relaxation is very important in our lives. Different people do different things to feel relaxed.

However, here I would like to talk about an area in my home where I feel most relaxed.

In which area or home do you feel relaxed:

I feel most relaxed in my living room. This is the main room of the house, and I spend the most time there. It is comfortable, cozy, and inviting, and it always makes me feel at home. It is the most calming room in my house.


Why do you feel relaxed there:

I feel so relaxed in my living room because it is a place where I can truly be myself. There, I can sit on my favorite chair and watch my favorite show or read a book. I can also listen to music, play video games, or take a nap there. It is a place where I can enjoy all my favorite activities without feeling the pressure of my everyday life.


What do you do to feel relaxed:

I usually try to make it as comfortable as possible to stay relaxed in my living room. I have decorated it according to my taste, as I have painted the walls sky blue, which is also my favorite color. I like adding a few pillows, blankets, and even some soft lighting. I always organize it and keep spices and candles lit, which helps to set the mood and create a peaceful atmosphere.

Overall, it is the room where I feel most relaxed. I can escape from everyday life's stresses and just be myself.

Model Answer 2:

Everyone needs a little relaxation in this hectic world because nobody is free from stress or other issues. People are looking for a relaxing outdoor area. But I like staying in, especially in one of my favorite spaces.

And here, I would like to talk about an area in my home where I feel most relaxed.


In which area or home do you feel relaxed?

The veranda, which is a roofed platform along with the exterior of a house and where we store our motorcycle, is where I feel most relaxed in my home. Along with a few plants and trees, that area is populated by my pets, including doves, dogs, rabbits, and love birds. To shield it from direct sunlight and rain, it is covered with an aluminum covering. A new swing had been placed there a few days ago by me.


Why do you feel relaxed there?

As I've already mentioned, this place is populated by the animals I adore the most—my dogs. Playing with and spending time with my animals helps me relax. I also enjoy seeing my dog play with the ball. It sometimes appears crazy and funny.


What do you do to feel relaxed?

I used to sit in the chair below the tree and start listening to music with my earbuds before hanging the swing. Music definitely helps with relaxation. I occasionally play with my animals, and before I hung my swing, I used to play swing and perform amusing actions like having my animals swing.

Not just resting in bed or sleeping, but also just sitting and taking in our surroundings are forms of relaxation. Performing our favorite tasks or acting crazily will also help us relax.

Overall, it is the room where I feel most relaxed. I can escape from everyday life's stresses and just be myself.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe an area in your home where you feel relaxed."


1. Do you think exercise is important for mental and physical health?

Without a doubt, exercise is directly related to physical health. With our sedentary lifestyles nowadays, staying healthy without exercise is all but impossible. Similar to this, exercising makes us feel better about how we look and makes us much more social, both of which are beneficial to people's mental health.


2. Why do people feel stressful all the time?

The rise in stress in our lives, in my opinion, has numerous causes. One is the decreasing job security brought on by increased competition. Therefore, worry over work is an ongoing problem for people. Second, people in the modern era have extremely high expectations. We are bound to experience tension when we have unrealistic expectations. Speaking with friends can also help relieve tension, but as people are spending less and less time together, this is becoming increasingly difficult.


3. Do you think there should be classes for teaching young people and children how to be relaxed?

Yes, I agree that it is now necessary in this day and age. We must teach young people how to manage stress, as seen by the rise in mental health problems and depression among teenagers. I believe it can be done by offering relaxation lessons at the school. Furthermore, if they develop ways to deal with stress at an early age, they will be far better able to do so as adults.


4. Why is it difficult for some people to relax?

They simply have very high expectations and aren't happy with what they have, in my opinion. Due to their essential responsibilities and ongoing problems, some people also find it challenging.


5. Do people in your country exercise after work?

While many people do, many others don't. It does, however, grow more common as people become more self-conscious about their appearance. In fact, that is one of the reasons for the increase in gym openings.


6. Where do people spend most of their time at home?

The living room is where I believe most people spend the most time at home. People like to spend their time in the living room because it usually has a TV in it. People have been spending more and more time in their own rooms as hobbies have become increasingly individualized in recent years.


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