22. Talk about an interesting old person you met recently

22. Talk about an interesting old person you met recently

You should say:

Who is this person?

How did you meet him?

How do you know him?

What do you do with this person (optional)?

Why did you find him interesting.

Model Answer 1:

I have met a lot of people in my life, and I am always very excited to meet someone new, especially old people, because they have tons of stories and experiences to share.

And here, I would like to talk about an interesting old person who I met recently.
Who is this person:

Recently, about five months ago, I met the grandfather of my best friend, who is also my neighbor. His grandfather retired from his job in the pollution control department and came back to his city.


How do you know him:

After two months after his retirement, he started noticing changes in the quality of the air, which was not good. So, in order to keep his house free from pollution, he planted some air-purifying plants at his home, along with some ornamental plants. He covered his house with plants, including flowers of different species and colors, creepers, and climbers. Soon after this approach, he became the center of attraction in his neighborhood, and everybody started asking him to bring some plants also.

What you do with him:

I also bring so many plants from him to my home free of charge. Even I gave him a suggestion to start a nursery so that he could not only help the people but also earn money from it. Moreover, in the evening and on weekends, I and my friend help him manage plants by watering them and chatting with each other.


Why you find him interesting:

I really found him so interesting because of his unique approach, which he used to relieve pollution. Apart from that, after implementing his approach, the environment in my society has also been cleaner as compared to the previous time.

So, all in all, that is the old person whom I met recently and found very interesting.

Model Answer 2:

Well, I have interacted with a lot of people during my life, both young and old. 

And here, I would like to talk about an interesting old person who I met recently.


Who is this person:

Recently, about five months ago, I met my father's uncle whose name is Mr. Dharmendra. He is 65 years old. He is a very alluring and grounded individual.

How do you know him:

Two months ago, my father's uncle, a retired Australian police officer, visited India with his wife during the summer holidays and spent time at my house. Every day, he told my father to go to the Golden Temple Amritsar and asked him to go with him, but he was unable to do so. As a result, my father told me to go with him, and I went to the Golden Temple.


What you do with him:

In order to go there, we boarded a bus. Due to the fact that he was a brave officer who received numerous honors and medals while serving, Uncle related to me many of his life's stories while we were traveling by bus. He told me that he had been a police officer in his early 20s simply out of courage.

Following this incident, Uncle received a bravery award from the prime minister and a joining letter of police employment. He had caught a thief trying to steal money from his college's locker room by breaking a teacher's locker, fought with that robber, and called the police, who arrived shortly and arrested that thief.

Why you find him interesting:

Additionally, uncle once engaged in combat with a terrorist who kidnapped some students from the school. He bravely made the arrest of the criminals. As I listened to his presentations, I grew increasingly interested in learning more about his remarkable life. Due to uncle's fascinating conversation, I was unaware of this till we arrived in Amritsar.

So, all in all, that is the old person whom I met recently and found very interesting.

Follow-up Questions


Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Talk about an interesting old person you met recently."


1. Do you think old people and young people can share the same interest?

It could occasionally be challenging for young people and older individuals to have similar interests. Younger people tend to be more active and like outdoor activities, whereas older people can only participate in games that are less physically demanding. To say that they cannot have similar interests is untrue. They might both have similar tastes in TV shows, movies, video games, etc.


2. What skills can the old teach the young?

Older adults nowadays have gone through many changes. When there were no cars and horses were the only means of transportation, my grandfather often described how difficult his life was. Additionally, he has witnessed several technological developments. For instance, the evolution of music began with the radio and continued with gramophones, cassette players, CDs, and DVDs before ending with IPods and mobile phones. The most crucial life lessons, like flexibility, versatility, and flexibility to change, can be taught to young people by the elderly.


3. What skills can the young teach the old?

As young people are now entering a variety of businesses, other young people understand them and can do a better job of negotiating the prices of goods and services. This too is an important skill for older people, who are always keen to get a good bargain. Also, Young people are faster at learning about modern technology and better at operating gadgets, so they can definitely teach these skills to old people.


4. Do you think the old people should live with their family?

Ideally, they must. They should not live alone and instead be in old-age homes if it is not possible for whatever reason. For them, living alone can be risky.


5. Do you think the old and the young can have the same interests?

It could occasionally be challenging for young people and seniors to have similar interests. Younger people tend to be more active and like outdoor activities, whereas older people can only participate in games that are less physically demanding. To assert that they cannot have similar interests is untrue. They might both have similar tastes in TV shows, movies, video games, etc.


6. Do you think people are more selfish or self-centered than in the past?

In my opinion, no. People today are busier and more ambitious than in the past. People consequently don't have a lot of free time to help friends or family members. That's just choosing job priorities, not being selfish, in my opinion.   

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