33. Describe an achievement or success you are proud of

33. Describe an achievement or success you are proud of

You should say:

What did you do?

When did you do it?

How did you feel about it?

And explain why that achievement made you proud.

Everyone should have a goal in mind and work tirelessly to attain it. Dedication and motivation from family and friends also help with focus. Every success has a backstory. Achieving our goals gives us a sense of accomplishment and makes us role models for our family and friends. 


What you did:

Today, I would like to share one of my life experiences when I got first prize in the quiz competition, and I am proud of it.

Every year, in my city, an inter-school quiz competition is organized by the authorities of my hometown, in which a team of four members from each school participates.

When did you do it:

When I was in 11th grade, I got the opportunity to participate in that quiz from the side of my school with three other students.

We were chosen based on our knowledge, as I was brilliant in math and the other students also had expertise in different subjects. We prepared for that quiz for nearly half a month.

On the day of the quiz, I was a little bit nervous about seeing so much of the crowd there.

In the beginning, they asked us a very easy question, like a piece of cake, but after a certain point, the level of questions became difficult. As I remember, out of 10 teams, two got eliminated in the first 30 minutes and three others in the next 15 minutes. And my team also faced difficulty surviving that quiz, but somehow we managed to give answers to those questions.

That quiz lasted for around 3 hours. In the end, only two teams were left: one from my team and one from another school.

As the last question was very tough, my team made a guess and answered, and luckily, the answer was right, and we won that quiz competition.

How did you feel about it:

I really felt very happy at that time as we got first position and received prize money of 21,000 rupees, and I was on cloud nine. 

Why did that achievement make you proud:

This achievement really makes me proud, as we got 1st place, and before that, no team from my school had won this quiz competition, and it was a result of a lot of our hard work and dedication. Also on the next day, the principal of our school appreciated us in the morning assembly.

So, all in all, that is an achievement of which I am proud.

Follow-up Questions 

Here are some examples of follow-up questions that the examiner can ask you during your speaking part 3 related to the cue card: "Describe an achievement or success you are proud of."


1. How do you measure a person’s success?

Success is extremely difficult to measure. Achievement is a very subjective term. Success has diverse meanings for different people. Making a lot of money is a sign of success for some. Others define success as living a life that allows them to help others. Success for a student is completing their tests with flying colors. So it's challenging to measure success.



2. Do you think the way people gain success has changed?

Yes, without a doubt, people now achieve success in different ways. When people first started working hard, there was only a small area where they could succeed. The only people who were successful on a larger scale were politicians, movie stars, and athletes who appeared on national television or in the news. But these days, anyone with a little talent can succeed overnight thanks to reality TV. Through the Internet, YouTube, and other similar networks, people can achieve global success. Since the world has become smaller, people now know about successful Indian businessmen everywhere.



3. How do you define success?

Success is a very tough concept to describe. Success is a very individual concept. Success has diverse meanings for different people. Making a lot of money is a sign of success for some. Others define success as living a life that allows them to assist others. Success for a student is completing their tests with flying colors. So it's difficult to define success.



4. How to reward successful people?

Successful people can be rewarded by having their efforts appreciated. Some prizes may be given. Benefits in money may be offered. Giving promotions is occasionally a smart way to honor successful people.



5. What’s the most difficult thing you've ever done?

I'm a stage-phobic person. I recall having to present a model that I had prepared at my school's yearly science fair. The model tackled several forms of pollution. It was quite challenging for me, but I managed to do it. The hardest thing I did was that.



6. What qualities does a person need to have to be successful?

The person ought to put in a lot of effort. He ought to be an effective communicator. He ought to have the guts to take calculated chances. He ought to be sympathetic and willing to lend a hand.



7. Do you feel terrible when you fail to do something?

I feel terrible feelings, but they leave soon. I then make an effort to learn lessons from my failure and work even harder the following time.



8. Is failure a necessary thing in people’s lives?

It is, too. We cannot experience success unless we have experienced failure. We can never fully appreciate the day if we are unaware of the night. We can never experience happiness if there is no unhappiness. Because of our extended period under British rule, we are also able to enjoy the independence we enjoy now.



9. Is it important for young people to have some achievement?

I find the question interesting. Achieving at an early age definitely boosts confidence and teaches us the value of hard work.



10. Which one is more important, personal goals or work goals?

Both, in my opinion, are equally important. Life is about balance; we can't neglect either since we'll hear something missing if we do. However, it is true that most people disregard personal goals because they are not financially rewarded like job goals.



11. Have your life objectives changed since your childhood?

To begin with, my interests changed throughout the years. I remember seeing a space movie when I was very little and wanting to be an astronaut, but then I changed my mind and wanted to be a doctor. Furthermore, as I grew older, idealism gave way to practicality. Finally, certain goals in my life have been met, and new ones have taken their place.



12. Does everyone set goals for themselves?

Yes, I believe so. They may not express it openly, but everyone has specific aims in mind. Furthermore, some people are more motivated to pursue their goals than others. As a result, we believe that some people lack goals.



13. Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at work?

No, not always. It is entirely dependent on the individual. Some people are concerned with money, but others are concerned with recognition and admiration.



14. What makes people feel proud of themselves?


For me, it's about achieving something I knew would be difficult. When I think I've fulfilled my expectations, I feel proud. In addition, I feel proud when I do something that makes my family happy.




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